Hromovenko K. International Legal Standards in the Field of Higher Education

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

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Specialized Academic Board

Д 41.086.04

National University «Odessa Law Academy»


The dissertation is devoted to the systematic and complex analysis of the conceptual bases of international legal standards in the field of higher education. The work contains the author’s solution of the important scientific problem of the content of international legal standards, that have been formed and are developing in the field of realization of the right to higher education and of cooperation in the field of higher education on the international level. The dissertation defines the specifics of reflecting the category of the education, in particular of the higher education, in the international law from ancient times to the present, author summarizes the existing international agreements and other sources of international law in this area. The peculiarities of higher education in the modern universal international legal order, the reflection of aspects of higher education in universal sources of human rights and the development of relevant supranational standards of cooperation in the field of higher education are identified. The specifics of higher education issues are revealed in the practice of the European Court of Human Rights, in the activities of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and in the European Union Law. The importance of interstate bilateral agreements and program international acts of Ukraine for higher education issues is outlined, the role of international agreements of higher education institutions as a form of implementation of relevant supranational standards is established. The ways of implementation of international standards of higher education in the Ukrainian legislation, the prospects of development of the legal provision of higher education in Ukraine, taking into account the international standards, are outlined.


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