Tokar M. The State Policy to Promote the Development of Non-Governmental Organizations in Ukraine

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 25.00.02 - Механізми державного управління


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.142.04

Interregional Academy of Personnel Management


The dissertation substantiates the theoretical and methodological principles and develops practical approaches to understanding the mechanisms of state policy to promote the development of public organizations and motivate the functioning of public organizations in cooperation with public authorities. Research achievements of Ukrainian and foreign theorists and practitioners on the role of public organizations in public-administrative relations between the state and civil society have been studied. The content of the theoretical and conceptual apparatus in the direction of scientific research is revealed. The understanding of state policy as a system of optimization measures for the realization of public interests of the state and society has been improved. The attributes of the state policy of promoting the development of non-governmental organizations as a democratic element of public administration are substantiated. The necessity of activating the public essence of the non-governmental organization as a democratic element of public administration is proved. Methodological approaches to the study of problems of state support for the development of non-governmental organizations of Ukraine and their functioning are analyzed and improved. Emphasis is placed on improving the methodological constructs of systemic, institutional and synergetic and other approaches in public administration. An attempt has been made to extrapolate the method of facilitation to the social life of associations of citizens – the organization of a high-quality process of public interaction of state and society institutions. The categorical and conceptual apparatus of theoretical support of public administration science has been improved and expanded («socially useful non-governmental organization», «institutional rebranding of a non-governmental organization», «functional compliance of a non-governmental organization», «social service provider», etc.). Socio-historical preconditions and evolution of normative-legal recognition by the state of actualized subjectivity of non-governmental organizations are substantiated. The staging of the development of non-governmental organizations in Ukraine in the context of mechanisms of public interaction between the state and civil society has been developed. Varieties of non-governmental organizations are characterized. A new approach to the functional definition of a socially useful non-governmental organization as a social service provider has been introduced. The fundamental advantages of the properties of such a non-governmental organization are determined. Emphasis is placed on improving national legislation in the direction of clarifying all spectra of public life of non-governmental organizations, in order to avoid their formalization. The opinion is raised about the need to adopt a special Law of Ukraine «On Non-Governmental Organizations» with a clear functional content of public administration content. The peculiarities of the subjectivity of non-governmental organizations in public-administrative relations and approaches to their actualized positioning in the system of development of public-administrative relations have been improved. The current state and prospects of using the potential of non-governmental organization in public administration relations are studied. A consensus model of coordination of public interests of civil society institutions and public authorities is proposed, which is based on the mobilization and integration tool of the organization of citizens and the role function of socially useful action. The «method of public mutual assistance» is formulated, which is based on the mobilization-organizational approach and the method of social mobilization, where step-by-step forms of promoting the development of non-governmental organizations in Ukraine are formed.


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