In the context of a humanitarian and interdisciplinary discourse, a retrospective
of the functioning of various segments of the musical art of the region is considered
on the basis of the periodization of the reference milestones of cultural creation in the
history of musical culture from the point of view of Ukrainian studies and regional
studies, musical Shevchenko in the discourse of national identity, composer
creativity, professional music education, performance and popularization of music on
throughout the XX – early XXI centuries. In the context of the culturological region,
the following are distinguished: the epistolary heritage of Nicholas Lysenko and
Mikhail Kotsyubinsky as a source of musical region in the cultural aspect; the state
and development prospects of the regional school of composition; compositional
creativity in the projection of musical pedagogy; musical performance of the
symphony orchestra of the Chernigov Music and Drama Society of the early 20th
century; the Philharmonic Academic Symphony Orchestra of the early 21st century;
choral performance of the Academic Chamber Choir named after D. Bortnyansky in
the context of the "choral revival" of the late XX - early XXI centuries; directions of
bandura performance: authentic folk and concert-academic, each of which has the
characteristic features of musical and instrumental composition, performing
repertoire and interpretation configurations of creative embodiment; functioning of
the newest educational complex "National Music Academy of Ukraine named after
Tchaikovsky P. - Chernigov Musical College named after L. N. Revutsky"; Chernihiv
Regional Philharmonic Center of festivals and concert programs of both the modern
mode of philharmonic and concert activities and the problems of various aspects of
the regional cultural process.
By focusing on the modern stages of the development of musical art, culturally
creative structures are determined, which have become a manifestation of the systemdefining trends and spiritual vectors of the cultural region. These include composer
creativity and professional music education, on the basis of which the most important
forms of concert performance are developed, the structuring of the strategy of
musical creativity and the popularization of music, and the support of creative youth.
At this stage of the functioning of the musical art, scientific research of cultural life
was carried out, musical and educational complexes, the latest concert organizations
were created, voluminous culture-creating structures of systemic importance were
deployed and became the component that accelerated the separation and development
of important trends and vectors of the modern trade process in the region.
The analysis of the musical art of Chernihiv region as a cultural and creative
phenomenon from the point of view of composer creativity, performance, music
education and the popularization of music is associated with the nature of their
definition of spiritual and valuable continuums and meanings, as well as the
understanding of musical and creative activity from the point of view of the
transformation of composers' writing, performing culture of modern
philharmonic -concert environment, which are characterized by an increase in
musical and professional priorities and creative strategies of spiritual personalities
(composers, conductors, soloists) and the creative environment in general.
Taken together, analytical approaches make up a wide range of methods of
cognition of the phenomenon of art, which ensures their interaction in the
implementation of the research process.
In the context of art research, the concepts of "musical Shevchenko of
Chernihiv", "Chernigov composer school", "Chernigov choral school", "Chernigov
kobzar tradition (school)" are introduced, because musical art in the regional spatial
vertical-horizontal dimension is able to solve national cultural problems by
stimulating their changes.
Consequently, the art criticism discourse of the regional, in the aspect of
defining the essential contents of cultural locations, changes the hierarchy of the
means of functioning of musical art in the cultural space of the 20th - 21st centuries.
Key words: Chernigov region, cultural region, musical art, cultural phenomenon,
cultural space, symphonic, choral, authentic folk, concert and academic performance,
educational complex, philharmonic center, popularization of music.