Chystovska Y. Psychology of personality helplessness in psychosomatic diseases

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 19.00.04 - Медична психологія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 64.609.03

The Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education


The dissertation is devoted to substantiation of the concept of formation and progression of the phenomenon of learned helplessness in patients with psychosomatic pathology and development of effective measures of its adaptive transformation and patterns of formation of trained helplessness in patients with psychosomatic pathology and the development of a personalized system of psychological correction and psychoprophylactic support of the individual in the clinic of psychosomatic diseases, comprehensively examined 386 people, of whom 108 (27.98%) - conditionally healthy, and three groups of patients with chronic non-infectious (psychosomatic) diseases: 106 people (27.46%) with hypertension and coronary heart disease, 94 patients (24.45%) - with pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, 78 (20.21%) - fibromyalgia with chronic pain. In the course of the work the features of trained helplessness associated with the presence yu in the personality of psychosomatic disease, compared with healthy individuals. It was found that in persons with psychosomatic diseases of any nosological representation, the level of learned helplessness is significantly higher to disintegration-maladaptive expression than in healthy individuals. The nosospecificity of the phenomenon of learned helplessness in patients with psychosomatic pathology was determined. It is established that the greatest influence on the course of learned helplessness in people with hypertension and coronary heart disease have protective psychological mechanisms of displacement and denial; the most important factors in the structure of trained helplessness of persons with pathology of the gastrointestinal tract are the phenomenon of hopelessness and exhaustion as a type of psychosomatic complaints; for people with fibromyalgia with chronic pain, the most significant predictors of learned helplessness are gastric complaints, focus on the context of the positive past and the perception of the hedonism of the present. Nosospecific models of learned helplessness in patients with psychosomatic pathology are substantiated, because of which the typology of learned helplessness in this contingent is created: in patients with cardiovascular pathology – by type of antagonistic acceptance, in patients with gastrointestinal disorders, in patients with gastrointestinal disorders. with fibromyalgia and chronic pain – by type of causal somatization. Based on the identification of patho- and nosospecificity of the phenomenon of learned helplessness in patients with psychosomatic pathology, the leading targets of medical and psychological influence, psychoprophylactic support for patients, which provides effectiveness for the personification of medical and psychological influence, which makes it an effective tool in the clinic of psychosomatic medicine.


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