Melnyk O. Scientific principles of optimization of the technological process of growing seed potatoes and winter garlic in the eastern forest-steppe of Ukraine

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

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  • 06.01.05 - Селекція і насінництво


Specialized Academic Board

Д 65.357.01

Institute of vegetables and melon growing National academy of agricultural sciences of Ukraine


Methods of restraining the degeneration of seed potatoes in the process of successive reproduction using synthetic substances have been developed, which allows to reduce the damage caused by viral diseases of super-super elites by 1.3–2.2 times, super elites by 1.4–2.3 times, elites by 1, 3–1.8 times. Researched methods of using antiviral drugs (Interferon, DG-67, DG-77 and Brovadez 20 with DMSO) allow to obtain additional potato seed material that can be planted up to 200 hectares of field areas. The impact of synthetic substances on the reduction of symptoms of damage to seed crops by viruses and the formation of productivity of winter garlic with systematic use during the growing season has been established. The proposed method allows to significantly increase the yield of the studied varieties- by 26.3 and 27.3%, respectively. The stimulating effect of growth regulators of different origin and principle of action (Bioglobin, Baikal EM-1U, Mars U, Gumisol) on the realization of the productive and seed potential of potatoes was studied. The stimulating effect of preplant heating of potato tubers with UHF microwaves was determined. It has been established that dry heating of planting material of winter garlic at a temperature of 44-46°C improves the adaptive properties of plants, improves their overwintering by 7-13%, restrains the manifestation of symptoms of viral diseases to the level of 10-12%, which leads to a corresponding increase in yield on 2.6-4.0 t/ha (control – 10.2-11.4 t/ha). During pre-planting ozonation of planting material of winter garlic at ozone concentration of 50-100 mg/m3 and exposure of 60 and 180 min. a decrease in damage by Fusarium fungi by 40-70%, Penicillium fungi by 10-20%, and black mold (Aspergillus niger) by 5-15% was established. At an ozone concentration of 50 mg/m3 and an exposure of 60 min. the yield increases in the Merefyansky white variety by 2.5 t/ha, in the Duchess variety by 3.4 t/ha, which is 33 and 47%, respectively. The expediency of potato seeding in the Eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine in a two-harvest culture, which is associated with negative climatic changes, is substantiated. The developed methods of pre-planting tuber preparation make it possible to increase the multiplication factor of the Serpanok variety by 1.9 times compared to the standard and by 4.7 times compared to the control, the Tiras variety by 1.6 and 1.7 times, the Skarbnytsia variety by 2.0 and 4.9 times, the Strumok variety – 1.8 and 2.1 times, the Ivanivska early variety – 2.2 and 25.8 times, respectively. When determining the timing of planting freshly harvested tubers it is necessary to take into account the activity of germination inhibitors, in particular, abscisic acid. The gradual increase in its content in ripening tubers leads to their entering a state of rest and deterioration of germination by 8-22%. A method has been developed that provides for starting harvesting when there is at least 50% of tubers of the seed fraction in the crop, and to complete it based on the results of the chemical reaction of tuber juice with an iodine solution at a concentration of not more than 5%. Methods of optimizing the conditions of growth and development of seed potato plants using resource-saving cultivation technology using drip irrigation and mulching of crops have been developed. Reducing the dose of fertilizers when applied locally by 2-3 times compared to the spreading method helps to increase the yield of potatoes by 8-16%. Yield growth under drip irrigation is 18% higher than under sprinkler irrigation. The use of straw or mineral basalt wool for mulching seed potatoes ensures a decrease in the temperature on the soil surface and an increase in humidity. The use of urea (30 kg/ha) or microbial preparations Azotophyt-r (3.0 l/t) and Ecostern (1.5 l/ha) for mulching seed potatoes with straw improves the biometric indicators of potato plants and contributes to an increase in its yield by 3.4-3.8 t/ha. The increase in the yield of seed potatoes when mineral basalt wool is used as mulch is 6.4 t/ha compared to the control (without shelter) and 3.2 t/ha compared to the reference (straw shelter). Depending on the type and number of technological operations for pre-planting soil preparation, the increase in the yield of seed potatoes with the use of mulch is from 23.1 to 32.5 t/ha (control- 18.6 t/ha, standard- 21.8 t/ha).

Research papers

Determination of the optimal ozonation mode for winter garlic planting material / Pugach S. G., Zavada L. M., Zamuriev O. O., Kudin D. V., Opalev P. O., Melnyk О. V., Scherbina S.О., Semenchenko O.L. Problems of atomic science and technology. 2021. № 4(134). P. 204–206.

Study of the effectiveness of different methods of mulching potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) in the east of Ukraine / Melnyk O. et al. Agronomy Research. 2023. № 21(3). Р. 1221–1232.

Physiological and biochemical justification of second-crop potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) / Melnyk O. et al. Scientific Horizons. 2023. Vol. 26. No. 2. Р. 54–65.

Energy-efficient and ecologically friendly technology for growing potatoes under straw mulch. / Pastukhov V. et al. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology. 2020. 10 (1). Р. 317–324. doi: 10.15421/2020_50.

Efficiency of potato and garlic virus control by interferon use / Melnyk O. et al. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology. 2020. 10 (2). P. 50–54.

The effectiveness of compatible agrophytocenoses depending on the allelopathic interaction of plants / Semenchenko H. l. et al. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology. 2020. 10 (4). P. 56–59. doi: 10.15421/2020_167.

. Potato growth in moisture deficit conditions / Pastukhov V. et al. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology. 2021. 11(2). 184–190. doi: 10.15421/2021_97

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