Nosach N. Integration of monitoring and controlling systems into the management of agro-industrial enterprises: theory, methodology, practice

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

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  • 08.00.04 - Економіка та управління підприємствами (за видами економічної діяльності)


Specialized Academic Board

Д 65.356.02

Institute of Animal Husbandry of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine


The dissertation provides a new solution to the important scientific problem of developing theoretical, methodological, methodological and applied principles for integrating monitoring and controlling systems into the management of agro-industrial production enterprises. The genesis of scientific views on the monitoring and controlling tools in the management system of economic relations subjects is investigated. The principles of instrumental implementation of the control function in the management systems of agro-industrial production enterprises are substantiated. Functional approaches to the implementation of monitoring and controlling processes in the management of agro-industrial production enterprises are determined. The monitoring and controlling tools for the functioning of agro-industrial production enterprises are outlined. The structural features of the monitoring and controlling systems for the activities of agro-industrial production enterprises are identified. The methodological principles of effective monitoring and controlling of the activities of agro-industrial production enterprises are substantiated. The effectiveness of the application of monitoring and controlling systems in the management of agro-industrial production enterprises is determined. Structural and dynamic trends in the change in the economic efficiency of the activities of agro-industrial production enterprises in the context of organizing the implementation of control functions in their management system are revealed. The directions of application of monitoring and controlling tools in the management of agro-industrial production enterprises are substantiated. The features of building monitoring and controlling systems in the management of agro-industrial production enterprises are determined. The approaches to building mechanisms for integrating monitoring and controlling tools into the management systems of agro-industrial production enterprises are substantiated. The architecture of the functioning of monitoring and controlling systems for the activities of agro-industrial production enterprises is identified. The organizational and economic principles of strategic management of the implementation of the control function of the management of agro-industrial production enterprises are substantiated. A mechanism for making and implementing management decisions on the principles of monitoring and controlling in the management of agro-industrial production enterprises is developed. The organizational principles of the formation and functioning of control subsystems in the management of agro-industrial production enterprises are outlined. The conceptual foundations of the construction and functioning of monitoring and control systems in the management of agro-industrial enterprises are substantiated, based on the decomposition of the control function, where monitoring is defined as its key element due to its versatility and ability to provide continuous observation and assessment of the characteristics of the internal and external environment of the enterprise, and controlling as a set of tools for influencing differentiated management objects in the management of enterprises with the formation of a clearly defined structure of the elements involved in the management system, formalization of the functional responsibilities of the relevant departments and ensuring interaction between them for the effective implementation and support of management processes. The methodological principles of integrating monitoring and controlling systems into the management of agro-industrial enterprises are identified, which takes into account the specifics of industry risks, in particular climatic, market and regulatory factors, which, unlike existing ones, allows increasing the flexibility of management with ensuring the rational use of means of timely adjustment of production and financial indicators to achieve target indicators of economic efficiency of the main activity and the successful implementation of opportunities for progressive development. The structure and organization of mechanisms and systems of monitoring and controlling in the management of agro-industrial enterprises have been determined by clearly delimiting the functions, processes and procedures for collecting and processing management information, which provides support for decision-making aimed at managing the main activities and development of the enterprise, as well as the integration of these subsystems into the existing management system of the enterprise. Approaches to risk management of agro-industrial enterprises have been determined by implementing mechanisms of operational control and adaptive planning based on the results of regular monitoring. A scientific interpretation of the concepts of "monitoring" and "controlling" as management functions has been developed.

Research papers

Носач Н. М., Єгіозар’ян А. Г., Полякова Є. С. Теоретичні засади поняття «контролінг» в системі менеджменту суб’єктів економічних відносин. Економічний простір. 2024. №193. С. 116-123. DOI:

Носач Н. М., Єгіозар’ян А. Г., Полякова Є. С. Теоретичні аспекти моніторингу в системі менеджменту суб’єктів економічних відносин. Бізнес Інформ. 2024. №9. C. 437-442. DOI: 437-442.

Nosach N., Druhova O., Klepikova S. Controlling as a Component of Project Management in Agro-Industrial Production. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies. 2023. Vol. 9(5). P. 186-192. DOI: 9-5-186-192.

Носач Н. М. Вплив системи моніторингу і контролінгу на довгострокову стійкість підприємства. Український журнал прикладної економіки та техніки. 2024. Том 9. №3. С. 392-396. DOI:

Носач Н. М. Методичні засади моніторингу та контролінгу в системі управління агропідприємством. Актуальні питання економічних наук. 2024. №3-4. DOI:

Носач Н. М. Теоретико-методичні засади управління ризиками в рамках впровадження систем моніторингу і контролінгу на агропідприємстві. Актуальні проблеми інноваційної економіки та права. 2024. №5. С. 69-74. DOI:

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