Feltsan I. Development of foreign language communication culture in education of adults in Sweden.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 011 - Освітні, педагогічні науки


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 26.451.004

Ivan Zyazun Institute for Pedagogical Education and Adult Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine


The dissertation "Development of foreign language communication culture in education of adults in Sweden" scientifically substantiates the features of adult education organization and functioning in Sweden, in particular the potential of formal, non-formal and informal education; analyses the specifics of foreign language training and key principles for the development adults’ foreign language communication culture; characterizes theoretical background of foreign language communication culture development in education of adults in Sweden, along with the prospects for practical use of Swedish experience in Ukraine. The necessity to develop foreign language communicative culture comes from active social interaction in a multicultural environment, due to the European integration processes of Ukraine, the desire for international cooperation, and total disorientation of adults, their inability to adapt to new life situations related to the need to know foreign language at a different level, other than just reading and translation; Ukrainian education and pedagogical practice should take into account foreign experience in the development of foreign language communication culture of adults, in particular Sweden – the countries which demonstrate positive results many years in a row. Based on the study of scientific sources, generalization of legislature acts and regulations, statistical analysis, reports in the field of adult education, the paper reveals features of adult education as a purposeful process of individual development, through the implementation of lifelong educational programs and services in the European Union countries, influence of socio-economic conditions on the adult education progress in Sweden. It was found that the experience of European countries in creating legislation for adult education had played an important role in forming a national adult education system of Sweden, including funding, redistribution of funds and responsibilities, quality assessment, professional support of adult education centres. It highlights the main tendencies for the development of adults in Sweden, in particular: creation of conditions for education of socially active citizens; relevance between current and future needs of adults and the state; educational traditions and innovative technologies; development of competence, professional and personal qualities; increasing the understanding and democracy promotion.


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