The dissertation is a comprehensive study of theoretical and methodological approaches and empirical study of the problem of the psychological selection of managers for international trade companies. The object of research is the process of selection of personnel for international trade companies. The subject of research – peculiarities of a psychological selection of managers for international trade companies. To achieve the goals and objectives of the study both general and special research methods are used. Theoretical: analysis of scientific psychological literature, a generalization of the received information, systematic analysis, and interpretation of empirical and experimental data. Empirical and experimental: to solve a scientific problem, a set of methods for studying professionally important qualities of managers of the international trade companies (ITC) at the psychological, social, professional, and functional-dynamic levels. To determine the indicators of the organizational component “Professional Questionnaire” by O. Lipmann has been used and the methodology of “Adaptive Mobility”. The professional component was determined according to the methods of “Managerial potential” and “General ability for entrepreneurial activity”. The motivational component of the subjects was determined by the methodologies: “Test of meaningful life orientations” by D. Leontiev, “Assessment of the need for achievement”, “Assessment of the level of demands” by V. Gorbachevsky. The communicative component was studied according to the methodology of “Study of interpersonal relationships” by T. Leary and the communicative block according to “Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF)” by R. Cattell. The functional-dynamic component was determined by: “Study of stress conditions of personality” by Y. Shcherbatykh, “Study of the psychological structure of temperament” by B. Smirnov, and the emotional block according to “Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF)” by R. Cattell. The intellectual sphere was studied according to the methodology of “Intellectual lability” and the intellectual block according to “Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF)” by R. Cattell. The author’s Professiogram, psychogram are developed, the content and features of professional activity are revealed; organizational, professional, motivational, communicative, functional, and intellectual components of professionally important qualities of managers of ITC are defined. The complex author's approach and the use of structural integrity graphical selection criteria in the comparative analysis distinguishes this study from others. A conceptual model of research of professionally important qualities of managers in ITC is developed, which contains a theoretical and methodical base, substantiation of a set of methods, and psychodiagnostic research methodologies and gives grounds to determine criteria of integrated assessment of a professional psychological selection of surveyed; the general and specific requirements to professionally important qualities of managers in ITC are found out. This makes it possible to use empirical results for the development of guidelines and their application in the system of professional psychological selection of relevant specialists. Scientific approaches to the psychological selection of managers have been improved by substantiating psychodiagnostic tools for studying professionally important qualities of managers. It provides an opportunity to make scientifically sound decisions in the process of selecting managers to work in ITC. The system of professional psychological selection of personnel has been further developed, which, in contrast to the existing ones, is focused on the selection of managers for ITC, using individual structural chat of the surveyed, which expands the scope of the practical application of this system in terms of profession spectrums and companies activity. Based on the specified methodological approaches and principles of systematic professiography the scheme of a professional study of features of activity of managers in ITC is developed. Based on the theoretical and methodological analysis, developed professiograms and psychograms, as well as the results of empirical research, the methodological recommendations for the psychological selection of personnel in ITC are presented, which are implemented in practice. The obtained results acquire practical significance and are used in the selection of candidates for the positions of managers in international trade companies and educational activities for the preparation of masters and bachelors. The dissertation research was performed within the complex research subject "Psychological support of professional-genesis of employees of trade and service spheres", which is performed according to the educational plan of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics for 2017-2020, with the state registration number 0118U000053.