The relevance of the research is that today the formation of resilience as a property of the human psyche is of particular importance due to the need to resist stress caused by objective circumstances, such as being in a pandemic, socio-political and military conflicts, aggravation of economic problems in the country, etc. Difficult life circumstances and situations, crises, and conflict situations accompany the process of personal development and cause personal transformations that require the introduction of psychological support for the development of personal resilience as the ability to cope with stress, expanding the arsenal of behavioral strategies and resilience in responding to stressors, the degree of which determines psychological well-being and a more productive, fulfilling life.
The purpose of the research is to identify psychological features and promising directions for the development of personality resilience in difficult life situations.
Objectives of the research: to generalize theoretical approaches to the definition of personality resilience as a resource in a difficult life situation; to develop a system of psychodiagnostic tools for the resilience of a person in a difficult life situation; to determine the resource potential of personality resilience in a difficult life situation; to determine the role of resilience in experiencing psycho-emotional states in various difficult life situations; to identify psychological correlates and predictors of personality resilience in difficult life situations; and to develop a program of psychological support for the development of personal resilience in a difficult life situation.
Object of research: resilience of a person in a difficult life situation.
Subject of the research: psychological support for the development of resilience as a resource for self-regulation in a difficult life situation.
Appropriate methods were used for the purpose and solution of the identified tasks. Among them: theoretical: analysis, synthesis, comparison, systematization, and generalization; empirical: experimental and psychodiagnostic methods of researching personality resilience; mathematical and statistical data processing: statistical analysis was carried out using the Statistica 6.0 statistical software package.
The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the scientific work have been determined, which consist in the fact that: for the first time: the resource potential of resilience, which is manifested in its negative connections with emotional burnout and personal exhaustion, and positive connections with psychological well-being and self-actualization of the individual; psychological predictors of individual resilience in a difficult life situation, which include dispositional optimism, sense-of-life orientations, resilience, spiritual values, self-respect, self-efficacy and constructive coping strategies; an expanded view of: resilience as a psychological resource of an individual to overcome stress and adapt after a traumatic situation to new life circumstances, which ensures its full functioning; the specifics of the manifestation of a complex life situation in the course of psycho-emotional states of an individual with different levels of resilience; received further development: means of psychological support for the development of resilience of an individual who finds himself in a difficult life situation; psychodiagnostics of personality resources through the standardization of the Ukrainian-language methodology for the study of personality resilience.
The practical significance of the dissertation research lies in the adaptation of the psychodiagnostic methodology of resilience, in the creation of a program of psychological support for the development of individual resilience in difficult life situations, the effectiveness of which has been proven and which can be applied in the practice of a psychologist.
Research materials and its results can be used in the teaching of "General Psychology", "Psychological Counseling", "Fundamentals of Psychodiagnostics", "Crisis Psychology".