The thesis is devoted to the study of modern English gastronomic discourse from the perspective of cognitive discursive paradigm. The approach adopted to the investigation of modern English gastronomic discourse has potentiated the most impartial reconstruction and representation of the informational packets of two types of the discourse under study, particularly, the traditional discourse and the aesthetic one. Besides, autochthon concepts as centerpieces of the unit of knowledge with modern English gastronomic thematization were revealed.
Gastronomic discourse is defined as a special type of social intercourse aimed at executing gluttonic communication. Gastronomic discourse amalgamates textual structures relating to the process of food consumption, the latter encompassing the participants, conditions, mode and environment of communication, its place and time, aims and motifs, genre and speech style. What is more, gastronomic discourse reflects the axiological and notional facets of the ethnic culture, thus revealing cultural peculiarities of different countries. This discourse type is marked by national-cultural specificity, therefore, “food and eating” appears to be a multidimensional conceptual entity that is characterized by axiological, figurative and notional aspects; accordingly, the entity in question preconditions the existence of ethnic culture, shapes its linguo-semiotic and communication systems. Hence, modern English gastronomic discourse is a cognitive-verbal activity undertaken by a contemporary representative of English-speaking community in the course of their quotidian life when cooking or consuming food.
Traditional gastronomic worldview accentuates modern “social conveniences”, namely, fast food, baby food, pet food, sauces and spices, traditional dishes, ready-made pastry and confection, snacks, frozen and canned foods, energy drinks, prices and discounts, the whole lot makes life of an average consumer easier. This being said, aesthetic gastronomic worldview promotes the significance of fruit, vegetables, salads, pasta, vegetarian dishes, energy value, the process of cooking in general, ingredients and emotions that accompany both the process and the result, the latter intensifying the enjoyment of taste and flavor. The sphere of gastronomic services is now gaining considerable purport mainly due to its accessibility and the prospect of getting pleasure in a nice place. Thus, the results of the study indicate that despite particular emphasis laid upon traditional values, the new generation of English-speaking consumers prioritize other aspects of modern foods, specifically, aesthetics and rationality.
Key words: discourse, gastronomic discourse, English discourse, concept, autochthon, domain, conceptual system, cognitive map.