Korolchuk I. Improvement of technology of soft cheeses from goat milk with spices

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 181 - Харчові технології


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 26.058.011

National university of food technologies


The dissertation is devoted to improving the technology of soft cheeses from goat's milk by using a combination of spices. The use of the enzyme preparation CHY-MAX® M 1000 (Chr. Hansen) in the amount of 50 IMCU / l of milk, substantiated coagulation duration 60 ± 1 m. (t 35 ± 2°С) is. The expediency of using the fermenting preparation RSF-736 (Chr. Hansen) in the amount of 50 units per 1 ton of milk, which achieves the isoelectric point (IET) of protein (pH 5.1… 5.2) for 5.5 h . The expediency of the introduction of table salt at the stage of normalization of milk in the amount of 0.55% of its weight, which provides the salt content in the finished product 2.3 ± 0.1%. It is determined that the introduction of spices reduces the active acidity of goat's milk by an average of 0.2 units. pH, improves the structural- mechanical properties of clots. The spices are to be added to the normalized mixture in dry ground (up to 0.2 mm) form, followed by pasteurization (t 76 ± 2 ° С, 20-25с) and filtration. It was found that the introduction of ginger and turmeric in the normalized mixture somewhat slows down the growth of active acidity by 0.25-0.28 pH units and 0.4 pH units, the introduction of fenugreek not significantly affect dynamics of active acidity. The use of a combination of spices is justified: fenugreek - 0.8%, turmeric - 0.2%. The technological scheme of production is improved and parameters are defined: duration of coagulation - 300 ± 10 m. (t 32 ± 2°C); cutting the clot, setting the grain - 44± 2 m. The possibility of extending the shelf life of soft goat's milk cheese with spices to 10 days (t 4 ± 2°C). Advanced technology tested in the conditions of TOV "ZBS. Zdorovya-Bezpeka-Suchasnist". The introduction of new types of soft cheeses will increase the profitability of products by 3.68%. The company's net profit will increase by 41.74%. Scientific novelty of the obtained results For the first time in the production of soft cheeses it is proposed to add salt at the stage of normalization in the amount of 0.55% by weight of milk, which allows to increase the moisture holding capacity of cheese by an average of 3.5% by increasing product yield by 5% and stabilize the microbiological parameters of the finished product. For the first time, the expediency of introducing spices - turmeric -0.2%, fenugreek - 0.8% during the normalization of milk in crushed (up to 0.2 mm) form with aging for 15… 20 m., which provides the formation of a denser clot, reduction duration of treatment of the clot on average by 5 ± 2 m., reduction of protein loss in whey by an average of 0.3%. It was found that the use of fenugreek and turmeric stabilizes the quality of products and extends their shelf life to 10 days (t 4 ± 2°C). The possibility of increasing the biological value of soft cheese from goat's milk with spices due to more complete extraction of milk proteins has been established. Valine remains the limiting amino acid, but its аmino acid score increases by an average of 0.4%, and the biological value of the protein increases by an average of 0.6%. The practical value of the obtained results The use of the enzyme preparation CHY-MAX® M 1000 (Chr. Hansen, Denmark) in the amount of 50 IMCU / l of milk in the technology of goat milk soft cheeses is substantiated, which provides a dense clot with increased syneresis capacity - 46 -48% and reduces the loss of milk protein in whey. The expediency of using the fermenting agent RSF-736 (Chr. Hansen, Denmark) in the amount of 50 units per 1 ton of milk to improve the syneretic properties of milk-protein clots and level the specific taste and aroma of goat's milk due to the formation of aromatic compounds. The use of acid-rennet method of coagulation of goat's milk proteins is substantiated, rational technological parameters - aging are determined 5 h. (t 32 ± 2)°C. Improved technological operation of cheese pickling by adding table salt 0.55% to normalized milk. A combination of spices was developed and a rational amount of introduction was determined: fenugreek - 0.8%, turmeric - 0.2%. The technological parameters have been specified: spices should be added in dry ground (up to 0.2 mm) form in normalized milk, before pasteurization (t 76 ° С, 20-25с) with subsequent filtration. The introduction of new types of soft cheeses will increase the profitability of products by 3.68%. The company's net profit with an annual production of 10 tons of finished products will increase by 41.74%. The introduction of new types of soft cheeses in the production will expand the range of existing cheeses, improve the organoleptic and antioxidant properties of the product. Key words: soft cheese, goat's milk, milk protein, fenugreek, turmeric, ginger.


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