Lytvynenko S. Bioeconomy formation in the context of sustainable development fostering

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 051 - Соціальні та поведінкові науки. Економіка


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 55.051.031

Sumy State University


The dissertation is devoted to the decision of an actual scientific problem of development of theoretical and methodical bases of stimulation of development of bioeconomy in the context of maintenance of sustainable development. The dissertation summarizes the existing developments on the definition of the economic essence of the concept of "bioeconomy", as a result of which it is proposed to define it as an economic system that is based on the principles of sustainable development, is aimed at the implementation of its goals and is based on the use of renewable biological resources and the use of biotechnology, and also covers all areas of economic activity in which biomass can be used as raw material and biotechnology can be applied. In order to determine the strategic guidelines of research in the field of bioeconomics, a co-occurance analysis was conducted using VOSviewer tools. The analysis helped to identify separate clusters of interrelated terms, which also reflect the interdisciplinary links of research in the field of bioeconomics. The bioeconomy as a whole is focused on ensuring the sustainable development of human well-being in all its forms through the economy of the future, dedicated to human life through the rational use of environmental resources. Bioeconomy can be defined as a form of economic activity based on the balanced interaction of three systems: economic, environmental and social and is determined by the processes of exchange of renewable bioresources to ensure a high quality of life and preserve ecological balance for future generations. Scientific and methodological provisions for the analysis of interdisciplinary links in the structure of bioeconomics have been developed, which take into account factors of resource provision, mechanisms of functioning and constraints of sustainable development, which allowed to form interdisciplinary clusters in a separate subject area "Bioeconomics" by SciVal and VosViewer. The thematic direction in a separate subject area "Bioeconomics" is fixed in the work. This thematic area includes biopurification, bioenergy and circular economy. The paper improves scientific approaches to assessing the impact of achieving certain goals of sustainable development on the formation of Ukraine's bioeconomy, in particular, substantiates the importance of The direction and strength of the impact of certain indicators of sustainable development on the processes of bioeconomy formation in Ukraine are assessed. The volume and structure of the national economy in the study is compared with the European bioeconomy. The impact of certain statistical indicators on the bioeconomy of EU member states is also analyzed. An EU bioeconomy study found that population growth has a positive effect on the share of the bioeconomy in the EU. Probable economic scenarios for the development of Ukraine's energy sector have been identified: the pessimistic, realistic and optimistic. Scientific and methodological provisions for determining the types of economic activity in accordance with NACE-2010 related to the bioeconomy have been developed, renewable sources have been identified in the structure of electricity production and the potential volume of Ukraine's bioeconomy has been substantiated. The paper substantiates the use of the indicator of renewable energy sources as an indicator of progressive changes in the field of Smart Grid, as mentioned above. Renewable energy sources are measured as a percentage of total electricity produced. Scientific provisions for determining the positive and negative effects of breakthrough technologies on the development of the bioeconomy have been developed. Provisions for comparing different types of energy in the structure of energy consumption, advantages and disadvantages, prospects and obstacles in the development of certain types of alternative energy (bioenergy, wind and solar energy, and hydropower) by SWOT-analysis. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that bioenergy, wind and solar energy are the most promising areas for development and investment. In addition, the growth rates of the share of these RES in the structure of total energy consumption are analyzed. For bioenergy, the average annual growth rate is 4%. While maintaining this value of growth, the doubling of its volume in the structure of energy consumption will occur every 17.6 years. Regarding wind and solar energy, the growth rate for this area is 12%, which means a 2-fold increase every 6 years. At the same time, the economically achievable bioenergy potential will not be exhausted. With regard to wind and solar energy, the projected situation of economically achievable potential of these RES will be exhausted by 2050, which again may provide new opportunities for the development of bioenergy.


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