Ladonia K. Neologisms in the Ukrainian-language segment of Facebook social network

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 035 - Гуманітарні науки. Філологія


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 26.133.018

Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University


The thesis is a study of neologisms of the Ukrainian-speaking segment of Facebook social network. In the dissertation, neologisms are viewed as units (words, phrases, phraseologies, their individual meanings) that appeared and function in the language in a certain period of its existence and denote new and updated realities and concepts, as well as individual authorial innovations (occasionalisms, ad hock formations), the novelty of which is realized in general. The relevance of the research is determined by the unprecedented spread of Facebook social network among residents of Ukraine and the whole world taking place over the past years, the significant dynamism of lexis and phraseology of specific language of communication in this social network and the lack of special comprehensive linguistic study on neological lexicon and phraseology as well as features of communication in this content. The aim of the work is to study lexical, word-forming, semantic, graphic and phraseological neologisms used in the social network Facebook at the beginning of the XXI century, to determine the sources of their origin as well as functional and stylistic features. The source basis of the study is formed by the Ukrainian texts of the social network Facebook within the period of 2017-2021. The scientific novelty obtained is that for the first time: the comprehensive analysis of neologisms of the Ukrainian-language segment of Facebook was conducted; the main ways of replenishment of neological lexicon and phraseology are emphasized; the productive ways and means of word-formation of neologisms in the discourse of the social network are revealed and characterized; the sources of external new borrowings and their thematic groups are clarified; internal occurrences are considered; functional and stylistic features of the use of new units in the social network Facebook are defined; the linguistic knowledge about Internet communication in general and the social network Facebook as an important genre, in particular, is increased.


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