Ivchenko N. Carnivalized ecodiscourse (a case study of English animated cartoons)

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 035 - Гуманітарні науки. Філологія


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 64.051.070

V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University


This study offers an analysis of carnivalized animated ecodiscourse in modern English communicative space, which accounts for its timeliness. Carnivalized animated ecodiscourse is an integrative entity characterized by placing environmental issues, which are associated with expressiveness, emotivity and intertextuality, into the comic context. In this thesis, the ecocentric theorizing model is associated with the language and speech activity of carnivalized animated ecodiscourse characters and identification of techniques, underpinned with the cognitive mechanism of incongruence, of producing a comic effect. The research methodology is based on the ecolinguistic approach to the study of carnivalized ecodiscourse. It allows to identify its specific features grounded on violation of norms – ontological, logical-conceptual, valorative, stereotypical, language and speech norms as well as inference prediction: violation of norms in humour is itself a norm, which contributes to producing a comic effect. The scientific novelty of the study is accounted for by the fact that it is the first one to lay theoretical and methodological foundations of a systematic ecolinguistic approach to analyzing carnivalized ecodiscourse represented in English animated films. In particular, the research is the first one to identify specific functions of ecodiscourse which depend on communicative aims of the interlocutors. Animated carnivalized onyms and onymic stereotypes functioning in the space of carnivalized English linguoculture are described; carnival alterations of socio-cultural phenomena in carnivalized ecodiscource are characterized; linguo-aesthetic signs are studied; carnivalization of positive and negative emotions and intertextual associations is demonstrated, as well as environmental friendliness of their explication. The thesis consists of the introduction, three chapters with conclusions, the general conclusion, the list of bibliography, the list of sources of illustrative material. The first chapter "Carnivalized Animated Ecological Discourse" substantiates the theoretical foundations of the study: it gives the linguistic definition of discourse used in this study. Besides, this chapter presents the methodology and methods of the research of carnivalized ecodiscourse, sets out its methodological principles by characterizing the methods applied in the analysis of English carnivalized ecodiscourse and describing the stages of the research. The second chapter "Reflection of the Socio-Cultural Environment of Language in Carnivalized Animated Discourse" deals with the study of violation of norms in carnivalized animated discourse as a source of ecologization (stereotypical, ontological, valorative, logical-conceptual, linguistic and speech norems), as well as onyms, onymic stereotypes, their comic functions and socio-cultural phenomena in carnivalized animated ecodiscourse. Linguistic-aesthetic signs of carnivalized ecodiscourse are studied, social problems which it addresses in a comic perspective, as well as intertextual associations represented by words, phrases, abbreviations and phraseological expressions are singled out. The third chapter "Carnivalization of Emotions: The Ecological Nature of Implication" identifies the types of stereotypical emotions actualized in carnivalized animated eco-discourse: positive, neutral, and negative ones; gender emotions: feminine, masculine, and children's ones. It is proved that carnivalized animated ecodiscourse, due to its incongruent nature, immerses stereotypical ideas about emotions into an unusual, bright, multi-level world, thus exposing environmental friendliness or unecological nature of their impact on the viewer. The theoretical value of the thesis is accounted for by introducing a new type of discourse – carnival ecodiscourse, which contributes to the theory of discourse, ecolinguistics, intertextuality theory, emotiology, linguostylistics. The results of the research, which confirm the hypothesis of the work, are summarized in the conclusion. The applied value of the work depend on the prospects of using its results in the courses on lexicology of the English language (themes "Semasiology", "Phraseology"), stylistics of the English language (themes "Stylistic Semasiology", "Stylistic syntax"), theoretical grammar of the English language (themes "Phrases", "Sentences"), general linguistics (themes "Language and Thinking", "Semantics"), as well as in elective courses on cognitive discursology, functional and communicative linguistics, emotiology. The prospects of further research lie in the sphere of applying the methodology of ecolinguistic analysis, which is developed in this thesis, in the study of various genres of carnival ecodiscourse, which presupposes in-depth study of verbal, auditory and visual means.


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