Al-Ghazali A. Organizational and economic mechanism of regulation of fundamental scientific researches

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 051 - Соціальні та поведінкові науки. Економіка


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 23.073.005

Central Ukrainian National Technical University


The dissertation study provides theoretical generalization, as well as addressed applied issues regarding the deepening of methodological provisions and the development of practical recommendations on the formation, use and improvement of the organizational and economic mechanism (OEM) of multilevel regulation of fundamental scientific research (FSR) in the process of functioning of the knowledge economy. The paper provides the definition of the FSR as primary experimental or theoretical intelligence in the field of obtaining new knowledge about the fundamental properties of phenomena and observed facts carried out without a specific purpose of applied application and regarded as pure public good. The OEM of regulation FSR is defined as a structured system of means of management and indicative influence on management entities whose activities focus on heuristic aspects of cognitive mobility in order to promote the processes of systemic objectification of basic structures of nature, society and thinking, verbalization of conceptual components, cyclical renewal of subject content of sectoral subsystems of knowledge, promoting the process of creating objectives reality, formation of abstract images of reality for observance of dynamically renewable value criteria of rationality of research program results. The hypothesis has been expressed and proved that the content of the FSR regulation should be subordinated to the goal of improving the level and quality of satisfaction of the life needs of society in the process of providing and consuming public goods by means of adequate displaying of an objective picture of the university, organizing on this basis the practice-transformative activity on the formation of the maximum possible level of well-being, increasing social and scientific capital of innovatively oriented ecosystems of the post-industrial economy. The content of the main forms of FSR regulation has been studied and classified. It is proved that the national models of regulation of the FSR are determined by the peculiarities of scientific and technical policy of the state, the framework of adopted models of formation of scientific and social capital of sociocentric professional social networks of the public sphere of the national economy. The thesis is that effective promotion of a set of meaningful actions for the implementation of search studies can be ensured through the use of specific tools for the basic principles of FSR regulation at the egocentric (personal), group and public levels of sectoral management. The expected consequence of effective multilevel regulation of the process is the production of inexhaustible non-legal social benefits in the form of conceptual results of the FSR, which corresponds to the classification features of the highest degree of scientific novelty. The purpose of implementation of the OEM of regulation FSR is formulated at the individual level, which consists in the activation and effective use of means of internal self-organization of research entities and mobilization of intuitive resources of abstract activities, other related research competencies of agents of cognitive activity, which are aimed at increasing the set of background knowledge. The use of the OEMR FSR at the interpersonal level should contribute to a team of researchers formally/informally interacting with each other in order to achieve common goals of cognitive activity and to realize their belonging to this set. The purpose of using the OEMR FSR at the public level is to use the power competencies to form the basic competencies of the FSR entities in the field of production of fundamental scientific knowledge (FSK), as well as to create conditions for the independent election by the subjects of regulation of directions and options for the implementation of the FSR, which are formed in the process of dynamic renewal of its value concept, achievement of new threshold values and restoration of equilibrium state. It is necessary that the management of group activity as an element of the OEM of regulation FSR is carried out in order to fully promote the processes of increasing the level of systemicity of research programs. The key problem of the development of modern FSR recognized the need for a fundamental definition of scientists to assess the prospects for further development of science in the main directions by means of public measurement of the level of rationality of fundamental scientific theories. The complex impact of the FSR on the development of the post-industrial economy is described with the involvement of the model of functioning of the national innovation system, which comprehensively covers institutional agents in the field of science, education, the real sector of the economy, public administration bodies. The main means of financial support of the FSR recognized software and contract financing, grants, budget financing (full maintenance of scientific organizations).


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