Baieva K. Personal factors of environmentally significant behavior

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 053 - Соціальні та поведінкові науки. Психологія


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 64.051.054

V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University


Currently, humanity lives in a world where it is hard not to notice the negative environmental changes. Everyone’s activity is the primary cause of transformations in the natural environment. To stop the degradation in nature, all representatives of human species need to unite and perform more «ecologically friendly», rather than destructive actions, but such direction change in behaviour depends on many factors. The focus is made on the personality determinants of an individual’s ecological behaviour. The dissertation presents a theoretical generalization and empirical confirmation of the significant role of personalized factors in determining the orientation of environmentally significant (eco-destructive or eco-conservative) behavior behavior and describes the mechanisms of activation of eco-conservative behavior of a personality. Іn the work revealed mechanisms of influence of ecological worldview position as a control parameter that determines the systemic organization of semantic formations of personality on environmentally significant behavior. A theoretical model of regulatory influences on environmentally significant behavior is proposed, according to which the influence of ecological worldview position on behavior is mediated by such personal factors as beliefs about control in the ecological area, personal environmental norms, subjective connection with nature, emotional responses to environmental problems, coping strategies. The purpose of the study: to develop and test a model of personal factors regulatory influences of environmentally significant behavior as a theoretical basis for the development of personality-oriented socio-environmental interventions. The study involved 538 respondents, of whom 374 were women and 164 men. The study consisted of four parts. The dissertation it is empirically confirmed that control beliefs, environmental norms, subjective connection with nature, emotional responses to violations of environmental norms and coping strategies in response to global environmental threats are mediators that mediate the impact of ecological position on environmentally significant behavior; it is shown that the subjective rational recognition of his belonging to the natural world promotes proenvironmental behavior, provided that he experiences a connection with nature; the impact of the ecological worldview position on proenvironmental behavior is partly mediated by environmental self-efficacy, which, in turn, enhances the overall self-efficacy that promotes pro-environmental behavior; it is defined that the positive influence of the ecological worldview position on proenvironmental behavior is carried out indirectly through the inhibition of emotionally-focused strategies and the corresponding strengthening of problem-focused coping; it is defined that problem-focused coping has a positive effect on the activation of pro-environmental behavior; identified and described three types of ecological worldview depending on the ecological worldview position of the person; training was developed aiming at activating and / or supporting the proenvironmental behavior of the person, as well as recommendations for the development of personality-oriented socio￾environmental interventions. Key words: personal factors, ecological worldview position, environmentally significant behavior, control beliefs, personal environmental norms, subjective connection with nature, emotional responses to violation of proenvironmental norms, coping strategies, types of ecological worldview, training.


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