Tselikova Y. Childhood experience as an organization factor of the adult`s affective sphere.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 053 - Психологія


Specialized Academic Board


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


The dissertation is devoted to the study of the affective sphere functioning features of an adult personality, caused by adverse childhood experience. The thesis provides a comprehensive theoretical analysis of foreign sources that demonstrates the importance of childhood experience in adult life, the essence of adverse and positive childhood experience and its connections with mental and physical health in the future is revealed. The differences between natural crises at the stages of growing up and chronic stress, whichis associated with violence, neglect, dysfunctionality and destructiveness of the surrounding environment, are explained. Adverse childhood experience destructive influence, which can deform the brain structures functioning and start irreversible processes that last for decades has been proven. A historical reviewof an attitude towards childhood was made based on philosophical currents and psychotherapeuticapproaches. Its aim was to highlight the evolution of these phenomenonsandunderstand the cultural influence in modern times. The latest empirical findings in the field of medicine and psychology on this issue are presented. A model of the interaction between childhood experience and the affective sphere of an adult has been developed. Assumptions were put forward, according to which adverse childhood experience can negatively affect the effective communication in the future; that the development of empathy, understanding of one's mood, emotions,and self-control can be damaged by early adverse experience; frequent observations of unacceptable and aggressive behavior will have a reflection on aggressiveness and anxiety in adulthood; living in a dysfunctional family will have a negative impact on socialization and the ability to build healthy relationships with others; if growing up took place in a destructive environment, for example with alcoholic or drug-addicted parents; if a child was a regular witness to quarrels, physical violence; if the child had the experience of frequent physical punishments; when instead of explaining the causes and consequences of guilt, one faced being ignored at home and at school with bullying –all this will have negative consequences on the organization of adult`s affective sphere. Thus, the thesis is devoted to the study of the adverse childhood experience that took place before reaching adulthood and, accordingly, its connections with functioning of the affective sphere in adulthood.

Research papers

Власова О.В, Родіна Н.В., Целікова Ю.О., Ворнікова Л.К., ТихоненкоЮ.О. Модифікація, стандартизація та адаптація анкетинегативногодитячого досвіду (ACE) Стаття у Scopus. Офтальмологічнийжурнал. –№1, 2022. – С. 62-72.

Целікова Ю.О. (2019). Ступінь прояву та види негативногодитячогодосвіду серед дорослого населення України. Проблеми сучасної психології:збірник наукових праць Запорізького національного університетутаІнституту психології імені Г.С. Костюка НАПН України / За ред. С.Д.Максименка, Н.Ф. Шевченко, М.Г. Ткалич. – Запоріжжя: ЗНУ, 2018. №1(15). с.156. С.141-146.

Целікова Ю.О. (2020). Вплив негативного дитячого досвідунаформування комунікативної толерантності. Habitus (Габітус), Науковийжурнал з соціології та психології, Причоморський науково-досліднийінститут економіки та інновацій, Одеса: видавничий дім«Гельветика»,Випуск 18, том 2. – с.165.C.125-129.

Tselikova Yu.O. (2021). The importance of parental attitude innegativechildhood experience. Socialization & Human Development: InternationalScientific Journal. Volume 2. №2 / Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University,University of Szczecin (Poland), Ukrainian Association of Educational andDevelopmental Psychology (Ukraine) – Szczecin, Kyiv, 2020. p.143.P135-143.

Целікова Ю.О. (2021). Негативний дитячий досвід якскладовадезадаптації в дорослому віці. Multidisciplinární mezinárodní vědeckýmagazín“Věda a perspektivy” je registrován v České republice. SÉRIE«Psychologickévědy« Státní registrační číslo u Ministerstva kultury ČR: E 24142. №7(7) 2021.P. 279, 253-264.

Целікова Ю.О. (2022). Несприятливий досвід дитинстватайоговираженість серед дорослого населення України. Habitus (Габітус),Науковий журнал з соціології та психології, Причоморськийнауково-дослідний інститут економіки та інновацій, Одеса: видавничийдім«Гельветика», Випуск 43, 2022. – c.2018, 177-181.


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