Tkachuk O. Formation of Professional Competence of Future Nursing Specialists in the Organization of Primary Prevention of HIV Infection Among Young Students

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 011 - Освітні, педагогічні науки


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 70.145.006

Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy


The dissertation research deals with the problem of professional competence formation of future nursing specialists in the organization of primary prevention of HIV infection among young students. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the fact, that: - the pedagogical conditions for forming professional competence of future nursing specialists to organize primary prevention of HIV infection among the young students are defined and theoretically substantiated for the first time: the actualization of axiological and semantic attitude of future nursing specialists to organization of primary prevention of HIV infection among young students; ensuring the synthesis of social and humanitarian, infectious and dermatological aspects of knowledge, taking into account the possibilities of mutual integration of their elements; the involvement of future nursing specialists in the collective forms of joint activities that quasi-professionally model potential activities in the context of the HIV primary prevention organization among young students; the individualization of self-study of future nursing specialists on the organization of HIV primary prevention among young students; - the structural and functional model of professional competence formation for future nursing specialists to organize HIV primary prevention among young students, which is built into the existing process of nursing education in medical education and covers motivational and objective, organizational and content, methodological and technological, and evaluation and correctional units has been developed; it is characterized by internal dialogicity, linear and rotating structure, integrity and adaptability; it takes into account the general pedagogical principles of professional training of the students in medical education institutions and specific principles that reflect the ideas of interaction of the nursing specialists with young students; - the criteria (motivational and axiological, cognitive and informational, activity and practical, individual and reflexive), indicators of professional competence levels based on the competence approach and the concept of «professional competence of future nursing specialists to organize HIV infection primary prevention among young students» is improved and the comprehensive content of the concept is defined. The scientific notations on the professional competence formation of future nursing specialists to organize HIV infection primary prevention among young students by identifying specific peculiarities of the research process under the conditions of medical educational institutions are further developed. The practical significance of the dissertation research is in developing of the Program for the formation of professional competence of future nursing specialists in the organization of primary prevention of HIV infection among young students by expanding the preventive content of disciplines: «Fundamentals of Psychology and Interpersonal Communication», «Nursing Ethics and Deontology», «Nursing in Infectology», «Public Health and Public Nursing», which covers: purpose, stages of professional competence formation of future nursing specialists in the organization of primary prevention of HIV infection among young students (axiological and motivational, content and communicative, active and praxeological, reflexive and personal stages), forms (lectures, seminars, practical classes, quasi-professional activities, social and moral practices, volunteer activities), methods (problem lectures, discussions, debates, explanations, watching educational films, creative tasks, trainings, game designing, situational modelling, basket method, «brainstorming», interactive methods of communication), means (slide presentations, educational films, estimation, information sources, visual materials); development of scientific and methodological recommendations for the formation of professional competence of future nursing specialists tin the organization of primary prevention of HIV infection among young students and a set of educational situations and training exercises; a set of indicators, levels and diagnostic tools for determining the level of professional competence of future nursing specialists in the organization of primary prevention of HIV infection among young students is substantiated. The main results of the research can be used in the practical social and preventive activities of nursing professionals and other health professionals, as well as in the training of future nursing specialists in medical educational institutions and in the process of professional development of specialists of socionomic professions in postgraduate education who perform social and preventive activities on HIV infection in the educational environment.


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