Trush I. «Management of the effectiveness of the enterprise innovation activity: investment aspect»

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 073 - Управління та адміністрування. Менеджмент


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 58.082.025

Western Ukrainian National University


The object of the research is innovation activity at enterprises in the construction industry. The aim of the dissertation is to deepen the theoretical and methodological provisions and develop scientific and practical recommendations aimed at managing the efficiency of innovation activity of construction enterprises, taking into account the investment aspect. The theoretical and methodical basis of the research is the dialectical method of cognition, analysis and synthesis; theoretical generalization and formal logic; statistical analysis; graphic; expert assessment. Improved: the typology of the functioning of enterprises in construction in order to determine the key directions and specifics of their innovation activity; the methodical approach to the formation of an innovative management system at construction enterprises; the method of comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of innovation activity in construction; the procedure for introducing an innovative product or technology (innovative project). Further development has taken place: the method of calculating a complex indicator of the results of innovation activity, which, unlike the existing ones, is based on the evaluation of six blocks of indicators; the procedure for evaluating the impact of the implementation of material and process innovations on the results of the enterprise using the algorithm of integration of quantitative and qualitative analysis of the effectiveness of innovations. The algorithm for evaluating the efficiency of innovation activity has been introduced into the practice of "BC Citadel" LLC; the methods for evaluating the effectiveness of the introduction of an innovative product and the mechanism for increasing the effectiveness of the management of innovation activities of "Service - Rielbul" PE; application of the algorithm for evaluating the effectiveness of innovation activity of «Ternopilbud» LLC. Theoretical provisions and practical recommendations are used in the educational process of the West Ukrainian National University when teaching the disciplines "Project Management" and "Investment Management". The results of the research are used at enterprises in the construction industry. Key words: innovation activity, investment activity, innovative project, innovation management system, efficiency of the innovative activity, product and process innovations, construction enterprise management.


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