KARY V. Theory and practice of functioning of the free legal aid system: administrative and legal aspects

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 081 - Право. Право


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 58.082.029

Western Ukrainian National University


The purpose of the dissertation research is the theoretical justification of the activity of the free legal aid system as an administrative-legal institution and the formation of appropriate proposals and recommendations on its improvement based on domestic and foreign experience. The object is public relations in the functioning system of free legal aid regarding the protection and protection of human and citizen rights and freedoms. The subject of the study is the administrative and legal basis of the system of free legal aid in Ukraine. The methodological basis is a complex of philosophical, general scientific and special scientific methods, principles and approaches that correspond to the defined goals and tasks of scientific research. In the process of work, the principles of systematicity, dialectics, reasonableness, and objectivity were observed. The system of used methods of cognition includes systemic, semantic, formal-dogmatic, axiological and epistemological, systemic-structural, sociological, statistical, comparative-legal, forecasting, logical methods, in particular, analysis and synthesis, as well as a number of other methods and means. Scientific novelty of the obtained results. lies in the fact that the dissertation is one of the first in domestic legal science to conduct a complete thorough scientific study of the administrative and legal aspects of the theory and practice of the functioning of the free legal aid system. The practical significance of the work is that the conclusions and provisions substantiated in it can contribute to the further development of jurisprudence, and in particular the science of administrative law. The conducted research made it possible to diagnose the state of functioning of the system of free legal aid, to more clearly define directions for its provision and improvement, so it is important for the improvement of legal regulation in this area.


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