Golubchenko O. Orthodontic correction in complex rehabilitation of patients with occlusal disorders in combination with vertical bite anomalies

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 221 - Стоматологія


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 26.003.090

Bogomolets National Medical University


According to various authors, the number of adults seeking orthodontic care has increased by 15-21 over the last decade % and continues to increase. (Kuroyedova V.D., 2020; Robert G. Keim, 2021). A deep bite is a fairly common pathology, it accounts for up to 20% of all maxillofacial anomalies. Often this type of pathology is combined with anomalies in the sagittal plane (L.V. Smaglyuk, 2020; A.V. Petrova, 2020). Recently, there has been a trend towards an increase in the number of dental patients with functional occlusion disorders caused by reconstructive prosthetic restorations on the background of existing bite pathology (Kostiuk T.M., 2021; Nespryadko V.P., Tereshchuk O.G., 2021). Patients with a deep bite and existing dental restorations in the oral cavity are in the group of increased risk of unfixing of fixed orthodontic equipment and other complications in connection with occlusal problems (Smaglyuk L.V., 2020.; Kuznetsov R.V., 2006.; Geeta Verma , 2013). The problem of rational selection of the type and volume of dental interventions, as well as the elimination of complications after their implementation, remains difficult and relevant until now, especially in patients with bite pathology and occlusal disorders and reconstructive restorations present in the oral cavity (S.I. Doroshenko, 2009; Flis P .S., 2021; Kanyura O.A., 2020; Lyhota K.M., 2016). In the professional literature, these issues are practically not covered and require scientific study and substantiation of ways to solve them in order to improve the provision of dental care to the population of Ukraine. The use of clinical protocols in medical practice is one of the most important ways of implementing evidence-based medicine in Ukraine. We have analyzed the legislative framework for providing dental care to patients with vertical malocclusion in the territory of Ukraine. But, unfortunately, we came to the conclusion that perfect clinical protocols that would take into account all important aspects and contain a clear algorithm for the treatment of vertical anomalies of bite in patients with occlusal disorders and dysfunctional conditions, built on the principles of evidence-based medicine, do not exist at the moment. There is no consensus in the professional community regarding the need to apply certain methods of diagnosis and treatment, their sequence, the need to involve specialists from various fields of medicine and the distribution of responsibility at each of the stages. That is, it can be argued that there are no clear protocols that determine the scope of research, treatment and prevention in each specific case, which became the justification for the relevance of our study aimed at increasing the effectiveness of orthodontic treatment in the complex rehabilitation of patients with occlusal disorders in combination with vertical anomalies of bite. Based on the above, we suggested the need to optimize the algorithm of treatment measures, in particular the orthodontic component, in the complex treatment of patients with occlusal disorders and functional disorders of the teeth and jaws. The dissertation provides a theoretical generalization of the results of the conducted research and a new solution to the current scientific and practical task of modern dentistry, which consists is to improve the quality of diagnostic and treatment algorithms for patients with vertical anomalies of the bite combined with occlusal disorders and functional disorders of the links of the maxillofacial apparatus on the background of previous prosthetic restorations. All of the above was implemented by developing a diagnostic algorithm, complex treatment and improving the algorithm for fixing fixed orthodontic equipment in the process of orthodontic correction in each individual case. The object of the study: dental rows of adult patients with a dento-alveolar form of a deep bite, restorations made of dental materials of different chemical composition and occlussal disorders. The subject of the study: a protocol for eliminating occlusal disorders of teeth and dental rows in adult patients with vertical malocclusion with previous restorations made of different dental materials.

Research papers

Holubchenko, O. (2022). Пошук фізіологічного співвідношення щелеп та міжальвеолярної висоти у пацієнтів з оклюзійними порушеннями сполученими з первинно глибоким прикусом, що виникли після проведення некоректних стоматологічних втручань. Актуальні проблеми сучасної медицини: Вісник Української медичної стоматологічної академії, 22(1), 77-84.

Flis, P., Holubchenko, O. (2023). Оцінка ефективності застосування мультидисциплінарного експериментально обгрунтованого підходу у лікуванні пацієнтів з первинно-глибоким прикусом та функціональними порушеннями зубощелепно-лицьової ділянки. Актуальні проблеми сучасної медицини: Вісник Української медичної стоматологічної академії, 23(1), 84-87.

Голубченко О.Ю., Фліс П.С. Оцінка ефективності застосування міждисциплінарного підходу у лікуванні пацієнтів з ятрогенними функціональними розладами зубощелепно-лицьової ділянки, сполученими з первинно-глибоким прикусом, згідно з динамікою змін показників електроміографічного дослідження. Буковинський медичний вісник, Том 26 №2

Tereshchuk OG, Nespryadko VP, Flis PS, Shynchukovskyi IA, Holubchenko OY, Palyvoda RS. Algorithm of complex rehabilitation of patients with iatrogenic occlusal disorders combined with vertical malocclusion. Wiad Lek. 2021;74(10 cz 2):2646-2650. PMID: 34923474.

Shynchukovskyi, I., Tereshchuk, O., Artemchuk, A., Golubchenko, O., & Fedorenko, T. (2021). ГНАТОЛОГІЧНА КОРЕКЦІЯ ЗУБОЩЕЛЕПНОГО АПАРАТУ ЯК СКЛАДОВА УНИКНЕННЯ СУДОВИХ КОНФЛІКТІВ В ПРОЦЕСІ ПРОВЕДЕННЯ РЕАБІЛІТАЦІЇ ПАЦІЄНТІВ З ЯТРОГЕННИМИ ОКЛЮЗІЙНИМИ ПОРУШЕННЯМИ, СПОЛУЧЕНИМИ З АНОМАЛІЯМИ ПРИКУСУ. Актуальні проблеми сучасної медицини: Вісник Української медичної стоматологічної академії, 21(3), 178-184. https://doi.org/10.31718/2077-1096.21.3.178

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