KAZAKOVA Y. Transformation of the value-sense sphere of personality under the influence of the prolonged vital threat of COVID-19.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 053 - Психологія

Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 64.707.044

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine


The dissertation is devoted to the definition of transformations in the value-semantic sphere of personality in the context of a prolonged vital threat caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the development of recommendations for psychological support for the affected population to overcome the severe psychological consequences of the pandemic. The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate and empirically study the peculiarities of transformational changes in the value-semantic sphere of personality under the influence of the prolonged vital threat caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The object of research is the value-semantic sphere of personality. The subject is transformational changes in the value-semantic sphere of personality. The introduction gives a general description of the dissertation. The relevance of the dissertation topic is substantiated, the purpose and the main tasks of the study are formulated, and the connection of the work with scientific programs is shown. The data on the personal contribution of the applicant, work approbation, and publications are presented. The first section analyzes the foreign and domestic scientific literature on the essence of the value-semantic sphere of personality. The conditions and factors of transformational changes in the value-semantic sphere of personality (i.e. age, professional and existential crises, etc.) are determined. The second section reveals the concept of threat (i.e. vital, existential) as a determinant of changes in the value-semantic sphere of personality. The issue of the peculiarities of the influence of social restrictions on the personality in general and the value sphere of a person, in particular, is studied. Based on the results of the theoretical analysis of the problem, an empirical research program was developed. To investigate the peculiarities of changes and transformations within the value-semantic sphere of the individual under the influence of the prolonged vital threat of COVID-19, a longitudinal study was planned and implemented during March 2020 - May 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic is a situation characterized by the potential possibility of a person facing death. This, in turn, causes a feeling of helplessness and inability to influence or change the situation and is interpreted as a type of vital and existential threat. In this case, a person has little control over events, and can't plan, predict, or even live an ordinary life. Our study focuses on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the individual as an emergency of long and/or prolonged duration. We would like to add that such an emergency has the character of a vital threat, which, in turn, is divided into 2 aspects: real and imaginary. A real threat poses a direct threat to human life or health (an unexplored disease that spreads rapidly and has a high percentage of fatalities); an imaginary threat has not manifested itself in the literal sense but causes concern about the spread of the disease and the existence of a high probability of getting sick and, as a result, dying. The third section examines the psychological features of the dynamics of transformational changes within the value-semantic sphere of the individual in the context of a prolonged vital (real and imaginary) threat (before and after COVID-19), as well as in different categories of the population. The results of the comparative analysis of all three dimensions show that the general unchanged values for both groups of respondents are "Safety" and "Kindness". Other values have undergone specific transformative influences. The significance of the value "Safety" indicates the existence of a common need of both groups of respondents for stability, and harmony in society and relationships. The value of "Kindness" suggests a desire for positive interaction with other people, affiliation, responsibility in relationships, tolerance, and love. In the fourth section, through the study of coping strategies (coping mechanisms), tolerance to uncertainty, and time perspective in people with different attitudes to the COVID-19 pandemic and depending on the incidence of COVID-19, psychological profiles of people with different types of response to the COVID-19 pandemic were developed and recommendations for overcoming the severe psychological consequences of the pandemic were formulated. The scientific novelty of the results. For the first time: - the dynamics of the value-semantic sphere of a person with different attitudes towards the COVID-19 pandemic is studied; - the essence of transformational changes in the value and semantic-life sphere of the individual before and after COVID-19 is analyzed; - psychological profiles of individuals with different types of experience of the COVID-19 pandemic were developed.

Research papers

Оніщенко Н.В., Казакова Є.С. Психологічні особливості сприйняття ситуації навколо пандемії COVID-19 // Проблеми екстремальної та кризової психології. 2021. № 2(2). С. 6-18.

Казакова Є.С. Особливості копінг-стратегій у людей із різним ставленням до вірусу COVID-19 // Дніпровський науковий часопис публічного управління, психології, права. 2021, №6 (2021). С. 82-89.

Казакова Є.С. Трансформація ціннісно-смислової сфери особистості під впливом вітальної загрози, викликаної коронавірусною хворобою COVID-19: гендерний аспект // Проблеми екстремальної та кризової психології, 2022. № 1(3). С. 131-141.

Казакова Є.С. Вплив пандемії COVID-19 на зміни у ціннісно-смисловій сфері: віковий аспект // Габітус. 2022, №42. С. 53-58.

Казакова Є.С. Психологічні особливості прийняття особистістю рішень в умова вітальної загрози, викликаної COVID-19 // Вчені записки ТНУ імені В.І. Вернадського. Серія: Психологія. Том 34 (73). № 1, 2023. С. 122-126.

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