Korotkevych K. The Formation of Educational Self-organization Skills for Future Choreography Teachers During Professional Training

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


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  • 011 - Освітні, педагогічні науки

Specialized Academic Board


Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University


The dissertation presents a theoretical justification and proposes a new solution to the problem of developing the skills of academic self-organization of future instructors in choreographic disciplines during their professional training. The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the study is that: for the first time, the essence of the concept of "educational self-organization skills of future teachers of choreographic disciplines" has been determined (as a complex of motivated-volitional actions of an active-cognitive nature, aimed at realizing the functions of independent, rational planning, self-management and self-control regarding own education in order to achieve the most productive results and effective personal, professional and creative self-development and self-realization in the field of choreographic art); Pedagogical conditions have been singled out, theoretically justified and experimentally verified (increasing students' self-motivation for professional self-improvement; activation of independent educational activities of choreographer students in various forms of training organization (auditory, remote, self-training); stimulation of future choreographic teachers to self-reflection and analysis of their own initial actions) formation the ability of educational self-organization of future teachers of choreographic disciplines in the process of professional training; the author's method of formation of educational self-organization skills of future teachers of choreographic disciplines in the process of professional training was developed and tested; the essence of the concepts "synergy", "self-organization", "pedagogical self-organization" in the context of the research problem is clarified; the ways of realizing the potential of self-organization in the system of professional training of teachers of art disciplines are specified; the content, forms, means and methods of formation of educational self-organization skills of future teachers of choreographic disciplines acquired further development in the process of professional training. It was determined that the structure of the educational self-organization skills of choreographer students is planning and strategic (the ability to clearly define the goals of professional training, actively motivate oneself for education and self-education, plan and choose the most optimal means of implementing training, project and forecast the possible results of educational activities); management-regulatory (the ability to effectively work with information sources, creatively develop and apply various types, forms and methods of one's own educational activity, manage and self-monitor one's own education) and introspective-evaluative (the ability to perform self-observation and self-analysis, adequately and critically evaluate and interpret the results training, draw conclusions regarding the correction of training deficiencies and development prospects). The expediency of using synergistic, acmeological and competence-based scientific approaches as the methodological basis of the research is substantiated, the logic of relying on special principles of the formation of educational self-organization skills of future teachers of choreographic disciplines in the process of professional training, namely: value-meaningful regulation of activity, professional self-management and individualization of education, is substantiated. Pedagogical conditions have been developed, the implementation of which in the process of professional training of future teachers of choreography provides an effective influence on the formation of educational self-organization skills, namely: increasing self-motivation for professional self-improvement, activating independent educational activities in various forms of organization (auditory, remote, self-training), stimulating students to self-reflection and analysis of one's own learning activities. An organizational-methodical model of the formation of the skills of educational self-organization of future teachers of choreographic disciplines is presented, which contains projective-target (purpose, scientific approaches and principles, structural components) and procedural-content (system of criteria and indicators, pedagogical conditions, stages and teaching methods) components, the implementation of which ensured the logical and planned achievement of the planned result. According to the developed criteria (prognostic, operational and reflective), the state of formation was checked and three levels (high, medium, low) of the formation of educational self-organization skills of future teachers of choreographic disciplines were determined. It was recorded that before the application of the experimental method, most of them were at low and medium levels of formation.

Research papers

Короткевич К. Є. Поняття самоорганізації навчання у контексті професійної підготовки майбутніх викладачів хореографічних дисциплін. Молодь і ринок : щомісячний науково-педагогічний журнал. 2020. № 3–4. С. 162–166. DOI : https://doi.org/10.24919/2308-4634.2020.216809.

Короткевич К. Є. Формування умінь навчальної самоорганізації майбутніх викладачів хореографічних дисциплін: педагогічні принципи та умови. Неперервна професійна освіта: теорія і практика. Серія Педагогічні науки. Київ : КУіБГ, 2021. Вип. 4 (69). С. 68–75. DOI : https://doi.org/10.28925/1609-8595.2021.4.8.

Короткевич К. Є. Методичні основи формування умінь навчальної самоорганізації майбутніх викладачів хореографічних дисциплін. Наукові записки Серія: Педагогічні науки. Кропивницький, 2022. Вип. 207. С. 167– 171. DOI : https://doi.org/10.36550/2415-7988-2022-1-207-167-171.

Короткевич К. Є. Критерії та методи діагностики умінь навчальної самоорганізації майбутніх викладачів хореографічних дисциплін. Інноваційна педагогіка. 2023. Вип. 59. С. 138–142. URL : http://www.innovpedagogy.od.ua/archives/2023/59/29.pdf

Yaroshenko O., Kilderov D., Komarovska O., Korotkevych K., Holinska T., Hutsan L., Shekhavtsova S. The factorial role of organizational culture in entrepreneurship education. Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal. 2020. Vol. 26. Iss. 3. 8 p. URL : https://www.abacademies.org/articles/Thefactorial- role-of-organizational%20-culture-in-entrepreneurship-andentrepreneurship- education-1528-2686-26-3-368.pdf

Короткевич К. Є., Соколова О. В. Структура умінь навчальної самоорганізації суб’єктів хореографічної освіти. Наука III тисячоліття: пошуки, проблеми, процеси розвитку : матеріали IV Міжнародної науково- практичної інтернет-конференції (Бердянськ 22–23 квітня 2020 р.). Бердянськ : Вид-во БДПУ, 2020. С. 85–86.

Короткевич К. Є. Педагогічні умови формування умінь навчальної самоорганізації майбутніх викладачів хореографічних дисциплін. Хореографічна культура і освіта : проблеми та перспективи : збірник матеріалів ІІ міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (Київ 14–15 травня 2021 р.). Київ: Вид-во НПУ імені М. П. Драгоманова, 2021. С. 48–51.

Короткевич К. Є. Саморефлексія як складова навчальної самоорганізації студентів-хореографів. Музична та хореографічна освіта в контексті культурного розвитку суспільства : матеріали і тези VІІI Міжнародної конференції молодих учених та студентів (Одеса 14–15 жовтня 2022 р.). Одеса : ПНПУ ім. К. Д. Ушинського, 2022. Т. 1. С. 160–162.

Короткевич К. Є. Методичні аспекти активізації самоорганізованості бакалаврів хореографії у процесі фахової підготовки. Модернізація наскрізної виконавської підготовки учнівської молоді в сучасній мистецькій освіті : збірник матеріалів Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (Київ, квітень 2023 р.). Київ : УДУ імені Михайла Драгоманова, 2023. С. 43– 46.


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