Bondar V. Mechanism for ensuring export-oriented development of machine-building enterprises

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 073 - Менеджмент

Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 26.002.49; ID 2618

National Technscal University of Ukraine "Kiev Polytechnic Institute".


The dissertation is devoted to the deepening of theoretical and methodological provisions and development of the conceptual approach, practical recommendations have been developed for formation of the mechanism of export-oriented development of enterprises in machine-building industry. The analysis of the main theoretical directions of scientific research devoted to the specifics of export activity of industrial enterprises is considered. Scientific views on the understanding of the term "development" in domestic and foreign sources have been studied and its two main directions have been identified - internally oriented and externally oriented, which are based on country's existing foreign policy and industry capabilities. Development is defined as a set of changes that occur in the system (countries, enterprises, etc.) under the influence of external and internal factors and have an innovative nature. It was revealed that main determinant of export-oriented development is considered to be the export potential of the country, region or enterprises in particular. Study of the essence of concept of a management mechanism was carried out from the standpoint of distinguishing the meaningful features of the terms "development mechanism" and "management mechanism", on the basis of which it was found that the development mechanism is characterized as a set of influence measures, as well as a qualitative and qualitative assessment system of various aspects of its functioning, to achieve the goals and implement the tasks of effective activity of industrial enterprises. A conceptual approach to formation of a mechanism for ensuring export-oriented development has been developed based on vector of export potential development and vector of export activity development, which are based on the factors influencing the external and internal environment of enterprise and single out three main components of this mechanism, supplementing the traditional components, which include economic and organizational, an innovative component as an important element of ensuring development of enterprise's export activity from the standpoint of increasing the added value of export-oriented products. The main trends in the development of machine-building enterprises of Ukraine in the context of ensuring export-oriented development have been determined. The main factors that stimulate the export activity of enterprises of the industry have been identified. An analysis of technical efficiency of enterprises was carried out with the selection of reference values of the industry and an assessment of expected behavior patterns of machine-building enterprises in process of export activity. The analysis of the factors influencing external and internal environment on the export activity of enterprises and the features of development of world market in which these enterprises operate will allow to highlight main principles of building a mechanism for ensuring export-oriented development and to develop tools for ensuring this development at various levels of its implementation. It is suggested that functioning of the Export Credit Agency, state financial support for exports, and informational support for exporters are the most significant tools at the macro level. At meso level - creation of special economic zones and technoparks on the bases of leading exporters, as well as formation of export-oriented machine-building clusters with an innovative bias, and at micro level - the creation of export-oriented production at the enterprises of center at innovative institutions using modern methods of digitalization of production and management, as well as the application of modern mechanisms international leasing for the import of high-tech equipment. According to analysis of existing forms of cluster structures in machine-building, a scheme for operation of an export-oriented cluster was developed on basis of innovative development with specific practical recommendations for involvement of scientific and educational institutions and various satellite enterprises for each group of enterprises in accordance with the needs of their development and based on openly selected vectors. The results of forecasting export indicators according to the Holt-Winters model and taking into account correlations between factors of external and internal environment and export activity of studied enterprises showed unevenness and heterogeneity of export activity. Regression models focused on two vectors of activity have been developed in accordance with the conceptual model of the mechanism for ensuring export-oriented development, which is a tool for forecasting development opportunities. Carried out assessment showed the significant effectiveness of proposed measures and micro- and meso-levels of functioning of proposed mechanism under conditions of increasing the innovative component of export activity starting from the first year of implementation of proposed measures.

Research papers

Бондар В. Ю. Сутність поняття «організаційно-економічний механізм управління зовнішньоекономічною діяльністю підприємства». Ефективна економіка. 2018. № 8. URL:

Бондар В.Ю. Аналіз позицій українських підприємств у світовому експорті машинобудівної продукції. Інвестиції: практика та досвід. Київ, 2018. №13, с. 58-61. URL:

Дунська, А. Бондар, В. Експортоорієнтований розвиток підприємств як драйвер економічного зростання країни. Підприємництво та інновації. 2019. № 8. С. 40-45. URL:

Бондар В. Світовий досвід та чинники використання експортоорієнтованого розвитку як інструменту наукового прогресу. Бізнес-навігатор. 2022. Вип. 2 (69). С. 62-66. URL:

Задорожний О., Бондар В. Концептуальні засади управління бізнес-процесами підприємства в умовах нестабільності національної економіки. Бізнес-навігатор. 2022. Вип. 3 (70). С. 56-60. URL:


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