Rudyuk V. Improvement of semi-smoked sausage technology using milk processing products

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


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  • 181 - Харчові технології

Specialized Academic Board


National university of food technologies


Rudyuk V.P. Improving the technology of semi-smoked sausages using milk processing products — a qualifying scientific work with the right to write a manuscript. Dissertation for the Doctor of Philosophy degree in specialty 181 "Food Technologies" — National University of Food Technologies, Kyiv, 2023. The aim of the dissertation is to improve the technology of semi-smoked sausages by enriching the finished products with milk processing products. In the first chapter of the dissertation, an analysis of literary sources was carried out in accordance with the chosen topic. An analysis of the market of sausage products and the market of meat and meat products was carried out. Currently, taking into account the problems created by the political and economic situation in Ukraine and the world, solutions are being sought that will allow the production of meat products of a combined composition, which will have high indicators of nutritional and biological value. urgent. The second chapter of the dissertation substantiates the methods of analysis of raw materials and finished products. Functional and technological characteristics of finished products and raw materials are determined by instrumental and physico-chemical methods. The content of protein fractions in the product was determined by spectrometric methods. Microbiological methods were used to assess the safety indicators of finished products. In the course of the research, the number of pathogenic microorganisms, mold, yeast, as well as bacteria of the Escherichia coli group was determined. The consistency of minced meat, food additives of milk proteins and protein-fat fillers was evaluated by rheological indicators. The evaluation of the organoleptic properties of finished products was carried out using a sensory analysis on a 5-point rating scale. A general research plan has been developed. In the third chapter of the dissertation, semi-smoked sausages are developed using milk processing products as part of the recipes. At the first stage, the main and auxiliary raw materials (milk proteins, cheeses, cheese products) for the production of semi-smoked sausages with the use of milk processing products were investigated. It has been proven that the use of casein and sodium caseinate in the amount of 2% significantly improves the structural-mechanical and consumer properties of semi-smoked sausages. The use of supplements based on milk proteins has a positive effect on high and low blood pressure. It was established that during storage, the use of protein additives in the composition of semi-smoked sausages significantly stops the process of moisture loss and reduces it to 0.15% per day. Recipes of semi-smoked sausages have been developed using rennet cheeses as milk processing products as fillers. It has been established that the addition of rennet cheeses to recipes has a positive effect on the organoleptic parameters of sausage products. In the fourth chapter of the dissertation, a comprehensive study of food components-consistency stabilizers was conducted. According to the results of rheological studies of structure-forming additives. Based on the obtained results, a stabilizing composition was developed, which has high hydration indicators, good emulsifying and moisture-retaining ability, and gives structural properties to products using it. The next stage of research was to determine the optimal amount of a protein-free stabilizer of structural and mechanical parameters for the production of milk-protein-fat fillers, which will be used in the recipes of semi-smoked sausages. Protein-fat fillers were modeled and studied, and it was established that the introduction of sodium caseinate in the amount of 25% and KSB 5%, РМЖ 10% allows to obtain a system with a significant hardness index. The fifth chapter describes an improved technological scheme for the production of semi-smoked sausages using milk processing products. The improved technology has passed industrial tests at enterprises of the meat processing industry. The calculation of the economic efficiency of recipes of semi-smoked sausages with the use of milk processing products in the composition was carried out. According to the results of the calculations, the feasibility and perspective of the implementation of the developed formulations and technological modes of production have been confirmed.

Research papers

Рудюк, В. П., Пасічний, В. М., Хорунжа, Т. О., & Красуля, О. О. (2019). Кисломолочний продукт з підвищеним вмістом білка. Науковий вісник Львівського національного університету ветеринарної медицини та біотехнологій імені СЗ Ґжицького, 21(91 (2)), 79-83.

Рудюк, В. П., Пасічний, В. М., Хорунжа, Т. О., & Красуля, О. О. (2019). Дослідження впливу використання білкових концентратів на реологічні показники кисломолочних продуктів та терміни їх зберігання. Харчова промисловість, НУХТ, 2019. – № 25. – 70-77 с.

Рудюк, В. П., Толюпа, Т. І.& Пасічний В.М., (2020). Розроблення альтернативних рецептур сирних продуктів для використання у м’ясній промисловості. Харчова промисловість, НУХТ, 2020. – № 27. – 29-36 с.

Рудюк, В. П., Хорунжа Т.О., Фурсік О.П. & Пасічний В.М., (2021). Дослідження стабільності показників плодових емульсійних соусів з використанням сухої молочної сироватки та кремнезему. Наукові праці НУХТ, 2021,-Том 27, 164-171

V. Rudiuk & V.Pasichnyi, (2023). Assessment of function-technological and rheological parameters of consistency stabilisers for dairy protein-fat systems for the production of semi-smoked sausages. Tecynology Audit and Production reserves. №3/3 (71), 41-45.

Рудюк, В. П. & Пасічний В.М., (2023). Способи інтегрування молочних білків до рецептур напівкопчених ковбас. Науковий вісник Львівського національного університету ветеринарної медицини та біотехнологій імені СЗ Ґжицького, т.25, №99, 80-85.

Рудюк, В. П., Маринін А.І.& Пасічний В.М., (2022). Доцільність використання сухих молочних концентратів, як білкової основи в аналогах сиру, для подальшого використання у м’ясних виробах. Modern scientific strategies of development, ст.. 277-282.

V. Rudiuk, T. Khorunzha & V.Pasichnyi,(2021). Rationale of cheese filling technology for the meat industry. Proceedings, University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”, Volume 60, book 10.2. 34-41


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