Dorozhynska O. Improvement of the technology of candies with crystalline structure by using different sugars

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 181 - Харчові технології

Specialized Academic Board


National university of food technologies


The dissertation is devoted to the improvement of the technology of unglazed fondant sweets with the aim to expand the range of competitive products with functional properties, including those with reduced caloric and glycemic content and original taste properties, due to the partial and complete replacement of white crystalline sugar with other types of sugars and polydextrose as dietary fiber. The possibility of obtaining candy masses with fine crystal structure based on various sugars was established. It was found that in order to obtain a fine crystalline mass based on glucose, the technological operation of introducing glucose in crystalline form at the stage of fondant formation in the amount of 10% to the mass of the fondant is necessary. In order to intensify the crystallization process, it was established the feasibility of reducing the pH of the fondant syrup to 3.0-3.5. It was established that the use of fructose, lactose and tagatose sugars is expedient in combinations: lactose: fructose – 1:1, tagatose: fructose – 9:1, which ensures the production of a fine crystalline structure of the candy mass. The possibility of reducing the amount of sugar in fondant candies by 30% due to its replacement with polydextrose with the additional introduction of carboxymethylcellulose at the stage of tempering the candy mass, was determined. The need to adjust the mode of boiling syrups based on the studied sugars was determined. To ensure the high-quality process of product formation, rational modes of tempering candy masses are defined: for a sample on glucose - 60-65˚C, for a sample on lactose and fructose - 65-70˚C, for the sample based on tagatose and fructose - 65-70°C, and for the sample based on white crystalline sugar and polydextrose - 80-85°C. The processes of structure formation of candies in starch-free forms were studied, and it was established that only the sample based on the combination of lactose and fructose required a 2-fold increase in the duration of proofing compared to the control sample. The analysis of the sorption properties of the developed candies proved that desorption processes are inherent in all samples when stored within the relative humidity of air up to 70%, in samples based on a combination of tagatose and fructose and lactose and fructose at a relative humidity of 75% and more, moisture sorption from the surrounding environment is observed, which increases with increasing values of relative air humidity. The change in the quality indicators of the developed candies during storage was studied. The positive influence of the packaging process on the preservation of the initial crystallinity of the developed candies was studied. It was established that for the developed candies it is rational to use the "flow-pack" method and polypropylene-based packaging materials. The principle schemes for the production of candies with a changed carbohydrate composition and the equipment-technological scheme for the production of candies with a crystalline structure based on various sugars using existing confectionery equipment was improved. Formulations and technological instructions for all developed candies based on various sugars were developed and approved in the established order: «Energy berry», «Milk constellation», «Tagantini», «Nocturne». The quality of the developed candies was evaluated according to a comprehensive indicator, which certifies that all the developed samples, manufactured in production conditions, have an "excellent" rating. The economic efficiency of the improved technologies of candies with a changed carbohydrate composition was calculated and the social effect of their implementation due to the reduction of their caloric content and glycemic index was proved.

Research papers

Кохан, Е.А., Онофрийчук, О.С., & М.А. Польских (2020) Перспективы использования полидекстрозы в технологии помадных конфет. Мир продуктов, 1, 22-23.

Онофрійчук, О., Кохан, О., & Хомічак, Л. (2020). Використання глюкози в технології виробництва неглазурованих помадних цукерок. Продовольчі ресурси, 8 (14), 145-156.

Онофрійчук, О.С. Кохан, О.О., Камбулова, Ю.В., & Грицайова А.О. (2020) Використання полідекстрози в технології помадних цукерок. Modern engineering and innovative technologies, 14(1), 97-104 DOI: 10.30890/2567-5273.2020-14-01-044

Dorozhynska, О., Kokhan, O., & Kambulova Yu. (2021) Sorption characteristics of fondant candies based on tagatose. Ukrainian Food Journal, 10(4), 786-796 DOI: 10.24263/2304- 974X-2021-10-4- 12

Онофрійчук, О. С., Кохан, О. О., Камбулова, Ю. В., & Марцинкевич Л. В. (2021) Дослідження поведінки неглазурованих помадних цукерок з частковою заміною цукру на полідекстрозу під час їх зберігання. Харчова промисловість. 29, 22–33 DOI: 10.24263/2225-2916-2021-29-5

Дорожинська, О.С., & Кохан, О.О. (2021) Зміна якості неглазурованих цукерок кристалічної структури на основі комбінації цукрів лактози та фруктози протягом їх зберігання. Харчова промисловість, 30,18-28 DOI: 10.24263/2225-2916-2021-30-4

Дорожинська, О. С., Кохан, О. О., & Чернишева, А. В.(2023). Розділ: Удосконалення технології помадних цукерок, виготовлених на основі комбінації цукрів лактози та фруктози: колективна монографія «Sustainable food chain and safety through science, knowledge and business» : Scientific monograph/ за заг. ред., Professor, Academician, President of ISMA University of Applied Sciences R. Djakons. Riga, Latvia: «Baltija Publishing». 2023. С. 68-85


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