The goal of educational reforms is to create a system that would ensure the
multifaceted development of the individual as the highest value of society, would
create opportunities for the maximum realization of his intellectual, creative and
physical abilities and gifts, would create a system of educating citizens with a high
level of social responsibility, capable of conscious social choice and directing their
activities for the benefit of the country, enriching the intellectual, economic, and
cultural potential of the state, raising the level of education of citizens to ensure the
sustainable development of Ukraine.
At the current stage of the development of both society as a whole and
education as a socio-pedagogical system, in particular, there is a need to create a
new, modern, integrated system of educational marketing with the aim of
sustainable development of extracurricular education as an important structural
component of the education system of Ukraine, the involvement of a greater
number of children and young people to obtain a general secondary education for
the realization of their abilities in the field of education, science, culture, physical
culture and sports, technical and other creativity, acquisition of primary
professional competences, socialization and further self-realization. The
development of basic and general secondary education, its compliance with the
expectations and needs of society depends on the system renewal, relevance and
effectiveness of this system.
The analysis of the modern theory and practice of general secondary
education institution management in general and, in particular, the marketing
activities of such an institution revealed a number of contradictions between: the
needs of the heads of general secondary educational institutions in the use of
modern technologies in the process of managing the institution and the level of
scientific and methodical development of these technologies; the need to manage
the institution in the conditions of a market economy and in fact the low theoretical
preparation of the heads of general secondary educational institutions for this
process; the need to create new, modern models of management of general
secondary educational institutions and the insufficient level of readiness of
managers and pedagogical staff of the institution to use such models in the
educational process.
The relevance of the problem, the need to overcome the stated
contradictions, the insufficient theoretical, methodological and practical
development of the problem of management of institutions of general secondary
education, in particular, including the use of modern models of management of
their marketing communications, determined the choice of the topic of the
dissertation research «Management of marketing communications of the institution
of general secondary education».
Project technologies can contribute to the improvement of the market of
educational services in extracurricular education. The developed complex model of
project activity management of vocational education and training will allow to
bring to a qualitatively new level the project activity of both a separate educational
unit in particular and the field of extracurricular education in general. The model
will provide new opportunities and tools in the approaches to evaluating the
institution's internal education quality system and monitoring its individual
components. This is the relevance of the chosen research topic.
The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the research is that:
− the essence and content of the definition «management of marketing
communications of a general secondary education institution» were formulated and
the main indicators of the effectiveness of the marketing activities of the general
secondary educational institutions were substantiated;
− the content and concepts are determined, the model of the management
system of marketing communications of general secondary educational institutions
is developed; the technology of its use is theoretically substantiated and
experimentally verified;
− developed six analytical modules in the spreadsheet editor Excel. The
model of the management system of marketing communications of general
secondary educational institutions is based on the following submodels: factorcriterion submodel of SWOT-analysis of general secondary educational institutions
activities; the factor-criterion submodel of the possibility of solving difficulties in
the work of general secondary educational institutions with the help of marketing
technologies; factor-criterion submodel of the SMART-analysis of the goal of
marketing communication; factor-criterion submodel of problems in the marketing
activity of general secondary educational institutions; factor-criterion sub-model of
the effectiveness of marketing activities of general secondary institutions.