Metelska A. Peculiarities of forming the image of a political leader

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 052 - Політологія

Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 26.055.052

State University of Trade and Economics


The image of a political leader as a phenomenon of political life has its origins in ancient Greece and Rome. Here, the image served as a notable tool to capture people's attention and convert it into power. With the emergence of empires, the development of the political image institute underwent significant changes. At this stage, the image was not merely a means to gain power; it was utilized as a tool to form alliances, garner support in wars and conspiracies, and obtain financial or political gains. However, after the fall of empires due to the First and Second World Wars, a reevaluation of the role of the leader's image occurred. The majority of countries transitioned to democratic and quasi-democratic regimes, leading to increased competition in the political arena. Candidates for public office had to prove to voters that they were worthy of their votes. This demand gave rise to specialists capable of constructing images tailored to the audience's needs. Such an approach had both positive and negative consequences. Among the positive aspects were candidates providing voters with an image that aligned with their needs, such as social justice and a demand for fair justice. On the negative side, the rise of populism became a societal demand, with candidates promoting themselves as "for all that is good against all that is bad." The flourishing of populism posed a challenge to political scientists, political consultants, and image-makers, necessitating the creation of communication tools and image strategies to overcome populist candidates. The purpose of this dissertation is to deepen the theoretical foundations and develop scientific and methodological approaches and practical recommendations for shaping and correcting the political leader's image.The object of research is the image of a political leader. The research object is the image of a political leader, while the subject is the theoretical and methodological principles and practical aspects of the mechanism for forming a political leader's image. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusions, a list of references, and appendices. The introduction justifies the relevance and timeliness of the research, formulates its goal and objectives, defines the research object and subject with an indication of the methods of conducting it, and describes the scientific novelty of the obtained results in the dissertation, their testing, and practical application. In the first chapter, the political essence of the image of a political leader is revealed based on the review and systematization of scientific studies. It explores the role and peculiarities of the image and identifies factors and means for forming a candidate's image, which is the main media component of successful public opinion formation. The main theoretical and methodological aspects of implementing the image in the political system of Ukraine are formulated. An author's definition of the political leader's image is proposed based on the analysis of theoretical and methodological approaches and the main essential characteristics of the terms "image," "political image," and "political leader's image." The political leader's image is understood as a combination of candidate's personal qualities and media campaigns, formed as a result of active interaction with socio-political groups, capable of achieving their goals set by the candidate. The peculiarities of creating a political leader's image are outlined, including the combination of personal candidate qualities with a media campaign, which eliminates the potential for smear campaigns or "black PR." A clear media strategy allows for correcting the candidate's image using both verbal and non-verbal communication means. Since about 70% of information people receive comes from non-verbal sources, it allows for a more effective implementation of the candidate's media promotion. The components of a political leader's image are structured, including existing, involved, and potentially possible socio-political groups, whose interaction is impossible without a comprehensive use of all types of media communications, taking into account external and internal influencing factors. The goals of forming a political leader's image are formulated, which include the formation and support of the chosen media image in the public space and minimizing opportunities for political opponents' manipulations achieved through the correction of the existing image rather than its replacement. In the second chapter, an analysis of modern trends and peculiarities of political campaigns in Ukraine and the world is conducted, along with the state and effectiveness of creating and implementing the image of individual political figures. This analysis identifies the key role of non-verbal communications in creating and supporting a political leader's image.

Research papers

Метельська А. В. Генеза формування феномену політичного лідера / Анна Володимирівна Метельська. // Вісник Львівського університету. Серія філос.-політолог. студії. Випуск 40, Видавничий дім «Гельветика». – 2022.

Метельська А. В. Генеза формування феномену політичного лідера / Анна Володимирівна Метельська. // Вісник Львівського університету. Серія філос.-політолог. студії. Випуск 40, Видавничий дім «Гельветика». – 2022.

Metelska A. Image of the political leader in the context of the presidential election campaign [Електронний ресурс] / Anna Metelska // Cuestiones Políticas, Vol.40 Nº 72. – 2022.

Метельська А. В. Роль невербальних комунікацій у іміджі політичного лідера [Електронний ресурс] / Анна Володимирівна Метельська // Актуальні проблеми філософії та соціології №37. – 2022

Метельська А.В. Імідж президента України у світовому політичному вимірі / Соціокультурні трансформації та геополітичні виклики в умовах багатополярного світу [Електронний ресурс] :тези доп. Всеукр. наук.-практ. конф. (Київ, 24 листоп. 2022 р.) / відп. ред. А. Кравченко. – Київ : Держ. торг.-екон. ун-т, 2022. – 336-339 с.

Метельська А. В. Меритократія чи популізм? Як перемогти популіста на виборах / Анна Володимирівна Метельська. // Розвиток суспільних наук в сучасних умовах: теорія, методологія, практика : матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, 23–24 вересня 2022 р., м. Київ. – Львів – Торунь : Liha-Pres, 2022. 28-30 с

Метельська А. В. Інформаційні автократії як феномен політичного лідерства / Анна Володимирівна Метельська. // ІІ Міжнародна науково-практична конференція «Глобалізаційні виклики розвитку національних економік», КНТЕУ. – 2021. - 285-288

Метельська А. В. Методи формування громадської думки в період передвиборчої кампанії / Анна Володимирівна Метельська. // Nauka i obrazovanje u svetskom informacionom prostoru. Zbornik naučnih radova. Српска развојна асоцијација. – 2021. – С. 122-127


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