Zakapko A. Improvement of aggregation and maneuverability of self-propelled tractor chassis using the front swivel axle

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 274 - Автомобільний транспорт


Specialized Academic Board

ID 2346

Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University


Universal self propelled tractor chassis are designed to perform many technological operations using various attached machines and tools. The maneuvering of a self propelled chassis accompanies the process of hanging specialized tools, so increasing the maneuverability of the latter will lead to a reduction in the time for conversion and an increase in the productivity of the technological process. Using a front swivel axle instead of front swivel wheels allows both to improve the aggregation of self propelled tractor chassis and their maneuverability. Many scientific studies and patent proposals have been devoted to the study of the aggregation of universal tractor self propelled chassis. A sufficient number of technical solutions are made using the front axle when it is turned. At the same time, traditional steering using front turning wheels is preserved. The design of the universal tractor self propelled chassis allows the entire front axle to be swiveled, increasing the controllability and maneuverability of these machines. The design of the universal tractor self propelled chassis allows the entire front axle to be swiveled, increasing the controllability and maneuverability of these machines. The maneuverability of wheeled vehicles, as is known, is a complex (complex) property, the study of which is devoted to many scientific works. To simplify the mathematical model, a rotary bridge was used in the description of many of them, but no attention was paid to the study of the dynamics of the rotation of the front bridge, which is suspended through a balancer. Also, the possibility of creating stabilizing moments on the front rotary bridge, which is very important for ensuring the stability of the movement of both the bridge itself and the wheeled vehicle as a whole, is not considered. Thus, the implementation of the front axle, which is suspended through a balancer, not only improves the process of installing technological tools but also improves the maneuverability properties due to the increase in the controllability of the machine and its stability of movement. It also allows for reducing the turning resistance of the bridge by reducing to zero the error of the turning angles of the left and right wheels (in the absence of a steering trapezoid), which is especially important when the track of the front wheels changes during operation. The dissertation work was carried out within the framework of the graduate student's individual work plan within the framework of research carried out at the Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University and the Kharkiv National University of the Air Force named after Ivan Kozhedub in accordance with the agreement No. 277/01 dated 15.10.2020 on cooperation. The main results of the dissertation were realized during the implementation of state budget scientific research works: "Development of an energy efficient machine complex for the transport support of the Armed Forces and the National Guard of Ukraine" (state registry No. 0121U109610), which was carried out in accordance with the state budget plan of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine and the People's Republic of Ukraine according to the state order "Development of an experimental model of an energy efficient wheeled compact dual use vehicle" (state registration No. 0122U200935), contract No. DZ/141 2022, dated October 25, 2022. The purpose and tasks of the research. The purpose of the study is to ensure the productivity and safety of universal tractor self propelled chassis by improving aggregation and maneuverability due to the use of a front swivel axle. In order to achieve the set goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: conduct a theoretical study of the maneuverability of a self propelled tractor chassis with a front swing axle; conduct theoretical studies of stabilizing moments on the front rotary bridge; conduct experimental studies of the turning dynamics of a self propelled tractor chassis. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is creating a scientific and methodical base for the designing promising universal tractor self propelled chassis with a front swing axle suspended through a balancer. At the same time, the following was obtained in the dissertation: the relationship between the geometric parameters of the steering drive and the turning angle of the rotating bridge is determined; a rational starting angle of the rotary lever installation is determined, which, unlike previously known results, takes into account the balanced installation of the front rotary axle.

Research papers

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Закапко О.Г., Подригало М.А., Разарьонов Л.В. Оцінка стійкості переднього поворотного мосту при усталеному русі тракторного самохідного шасі. Вісник національного технічного університету «ХПІ». Серія «Машинознавство та САПР», 2023. № 1. С. 76 81.

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Закапко О.Г., Подригало М.А., Доброгорський М.В. Вдосконалення методу оцінки стійкості двовісного автомобіля при заносі в процесі гальмування. Новітні технології для захисту повітряного простору»: тези доповіді ХVІ Міжнародної наукової конференції Харківського національного університету Повітряних Сил ім. Івана Кожедуба, 15 16 квітня 2020р., Харків: ХНУПС,2020. С. 489

Закапко О.Г., Подригало М.А., Краснокутський В.С., Пелепенко Є.С. Спосіб навішування знарядь на раму в міжосьову зону самохідного шасі. Новітні технології – для захисту повітряного простору: тези доповідей ХVІІІ Міжнародної конференції ХНУПС ім. Івана Кожедуба, 27 28 липня 2022 р.,Харків: ХНУПС, 2022. С. 376 377

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Байцур М.В., Біша В.М., Кириченко І.Г., Закапко О.Г., Краснокутський В.М., Лисенко А.М., Подригало М.А., Потапов М.М., Пелипенко Є.С. Спосіб навішування знаряддя в міжосьову зону самохідного шасі: пат. 151496 України: МПК А01В 51/02 (2006.01). № 4202107733; заявл. 28.12.2021; опубл. 14.08.2022, Бюл. № 31. 5с.

Байцур М.В., Біша В.М., Кириченко І.Г., Закапко О.Г., Краснокутський В.М., Лисенко А.М., Подригало М.А., Потапов М.М., Пелипенко Є.С. Спосіб навішування знаряддя на раму в міжосьову зону самохідного шасі: пат. 151497 України: МПК А01В 51/02 (2006.01). № 4202107734; заявл. 28.12.2021; опубл. 04.08.2022, Бюл. № 31. 5 с.


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