Ivakhno N. Methodology of proper names profound learning in literary works by 10-11 grade students

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

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  • 014 - Середня освіта (за предметними спеціальностями)

Specialized Academic Board


Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University


The proper denomination plays important roles in the literary work: from a simple identification to a mean of creation and characteristics of the image-character, an expresser of genre and style dominant of the work, a signifier for time-spatial organization. The issue of the functionality of proper names in a literary text is raised in linguists’ and literary critics’ works. In the field of school study of literature less attention is devoted to this problem. In the dissertation the methodological model of proper names profound learning based on the analysis of artistic works recommended by the current curriculum of Ukrainian literature for 10-11 grade students is developed and justified for the first time. In the introduction there are object, subject, purpose and tasks are defined according to the topic of the research, the relevance is justified. The research is based on the scientific hypothesis that methodical model of proper names profound learning on the lessons of Ukrainian literature in 10-11 grades will be effective on the condition that teacher and students will consider each onym as a concept, that determines the nature of the understanding of the artistic phenomenon (character, chronotope, literary work in general); at the same time schoolchildren should form the system of competences necessary for profound understanding the meaning and functions of proper names, its learning in connection with various artistic properties of literary material; in the process of educational activity the system of productive principles, didactic means of educational process, ways of analysis and kinds of activity. In the first chapter of dissertation there are linguistic, literary critics, psychology-pedagogical and methodology-literary basis of proper names profound learning are outlined. There is the meaning of the main onomastic concepts as “anthroponym”, “toponym”, “hydronym”, “zoonym”, “mythonym” ect. is outlined in the dissertation. All these concepts are proposed to be included in rubric “Theory of literature” in the curriculums for general educational institutions. А number of expected results of educational-cognitive activity are expanded due to introduction of literary competencies. In order to diagnose the practical experience the thorough analysis of textbooks on Ukrainian literature for 10-11 grades of general educational institutions is carried out. Critical review of school sources proves the lack of appropriate level of the topic coverage and therefore confirms the relevance of the chosen research. In the second chapter of dissertation there is the methodical model of proper names profound learning is proposed. The educational activity from the point of view of studying of the dynamic of image-characters, system connections among images, understanding the value-target programs of heroes, in the context of genre, style and author’s worldview system features is characterized. In the third chapter of dissertation the process of implementation of created teaching methodology into school practice of general educational institutions in various regions of Ukraine is described. During the experiment the effectiveness of the proposed model is proved at the specially organized lessons of Ukrainian literature in 10 and 11 grades. Conclusions of the completed research allow to state that the work has the scientific novelty. The system of literary knowledge, abilities and skills for proper names profound learning on the material of certain texts from Ukrainian literature, proposed for 10-11 grades is developed for the first time. Criteria for evaluating the educational achievements of high school students for the work with literary-artistic onyms are formed and justified, a complex of special methodical principles, methods, techniques, kinds of activity for the analysis of proper names is proposed, holistic plans-summaries for study of anthroponyms, toponyms and mythonyms according to the proposed approaches are implemented in school practice. The effectiveness of developed model is checked through its successful implementation in the educational process. The results obtained during the dissertation research have practical importance. Firstly, the proposed model contributes to a deeper understanding by students the peculiarities of a number of artistic features of literary texts. Secondly, the methodology of proper names profound learning can be involved in the process of teaching Ukrainian literature for the students of philological faculties. Thirdly, formulated statements can be used for enlarging certain rubrics of curriculum and textbooks of Ukrainian literature for high school grades. Conceptual theses of methodological model of school processing of proper names contribute to improving the level of high school students’ school literary education. The results of pedagogical experiment point to the positive dynamic.

Research papers

1. Івахно Н. О. Теоретичні засади шкільного вивчення топонімів у літературному тексті: система компетенцій. Актуальні питання гуманітарних наук: міжвузівський збірник наукових праць молодих вчених Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету імені Івана Франка. Дрогобич: Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2020. Вип. 28. Том 2. С. 99-103. DOI: https://doi.org/10.24919/2308-4863.2/28.208647

2. Івахно Н. О. Функції антропонімів у літературних творах шкільної програми: старші класи. Вісник Запорізького національного університету. Педагогічні науки. № 1 (34). 2020. С. 62-66. DOI: https://doi.org/10.26661/2522-4360-2020-1-09

3. Івахно Н. О. Методика роботи з власною назвою як регулятором вивчення динамічних образів-персонажів. KELM (Knowledge, Education, Law, Management). № 1(37), 2021. С. 39-43. DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.51647/kelm.2021.1.1.7

4. Івахно Н. О. Поглиблена робота з міфонімами (на основі літературних творів шкільної програми для 10 класу). Viae Educationios: Studies of Education and Didactics. № 1 (4) / 2022. С. 30-36. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15804/ve.2022.04.03

5. Івахно Н. О. Вивчення образів-персонажів літературного твору як носіїв власних назв динамічного типу. Наукові записки. Серія «Психолого-педагогічні науки» (Ніжинський державний університет імені Миколи Гоголя) / за заг. ред. В. В. Бурназової. Ніжин: НДУ ім. М. Гоголя, 2023. № 2. С. 54-62. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31654/2663-4902-2023-PP-2-54-62


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