The object of the research is the professional training of future teachers of preschool education institutions in institutions of professional pre-higher education.
The purpose of the research is to substantiate scientifically and experimentally
to check the pedagogical conditions for the training of future teachers of preschool education institutions for the formation of media culture in children of older preschool age.
A complex of pedagogical research methods was used to solve the research tasks:
theoretical - analysis of philosophical and psychological and pedagogical literature on the topic of scientific research to reveal the main provisions of training future educators of preschool education institutions for the formation of media culture in older preschool children, substantiation of pedagogical conditions regarding
training of future teachers of preschool education institutions for the formation of media culture in children of older preschool age; interpretation of theories and methods that made it possible to systematize theoretical work on the topic of research, to determine the essence of the concept of "preparedness of future teachers of institutions
of preschool education to the formation of media culture of older preschool children", to develop a model of training future educators for the formation of media culture of older preschool children;
empirical - questionnaires, conversations, testing, pedagogical observations, analysis of creative works, oral and written answers of respondents - to determine the levels of preparedness of future educators for the formation of media culture of older preschool children; pedagogical experiment in combination
ascertaining, formative and final stages - to check the effectiveness of the experimental method of training future educators for the formation of media culture in children of older preschool age;
statistical - quantitative and qualitative processing of the results of the pedagogical experiment (Kolmogorov-Smirnov λ-criterion) - used to determine the level of reliability of the data obtained in the process of experimental research on the preparation of future educators for the formation of media culture in older preschool children.
The scientific novelty of the study is that: for the first time, the pedagogical conditions for the preparation of future educators for the formation of media culture in older preschool children have been defined and scientifically substantiated (awareness by future educators of the need for the formation of media culture in older preschool children; ensuring interdisciplinary connections in the preparation of future educators for the formation media cultures in children of older preschool age;
presence of future educators in the formation of media culture in children of older preschool age); the essence of the phenomenon "preparedness of future educators for the formation of media culture in children of older preschool age"; a model of training educators for the formation of media culture of older preschool children was developed. The implementation of the model provided for the step-by-step (information-oriented, productive-active, creative-reproductive, reflective-evaluative) implementation of certain pedagogical conditions; methodological approaches
(systemic, activity-creative), principles (the principle of activity in activity; the principle of the fundamentality of education, modeling of the future professional activity of teachers of secondary education in the educational process of secondary education, the principle of educational reflection, the principle of interdisciplinary connections in the educational process), criteria for the preparedness of future educators for the formation media culture of older preschool children (organizational-motivational, cognitive-active, operational-resultative), with corresponding indicators; the levels (sufficient, satisfactory, low) of the specified preparedness are characterized; means, forms, methods are described, which
were involved in the experimental work at each stage. The method of professional training of future teachers of preschool education institutions gained further development.