Turianska N. The determination of gene polymorphisms in the diagnosis and prognosis of the diseases of teeth hard tissues during the periodontium diseases in young individuals

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 221 - Стоматологія

Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 26.613.156

Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine


The dissertation contains the theoretical basis and practical solution of the recent scientific tasks: - to perform the clinical stomatological examination of young individuals (18- 25 years old) of different sex with the determination of the structure of solid teeth tissues (caries and non-carious lesions) that appear during the periodontium tissues diseases; - to determine the biochemical phenotype of young individuals of different sex with the hard tissue diseases (caries and non-carious lesions) that appear during the 13 periodontium tissues diseases taking into account the mineral exchange indices (Ca, P, Mg, Na, K) and interleukins contents; - to determine the immunological phenotype of individuals of different sex with hard tissue diseases (caries and non-carious lesions) that appear during the periodontium tissues diseases taking into account studying of the mouth pro- and anti-inflammatory interleukins contents; - to investigate the molecular and genetic profile of young individuals of different sex with hard tissue diseases (caries and non-carious lesions) that appear during the periodontium tissues diseases and to analyze the received results and on its basis to confirm the prognostic value of the received markers; to develop the modern approach to the early diagnosis of the hard tissue diseases (caries and noncarious lesions) that appear during the periodontium tissues diseases in young individuals (18-25 years old) and to propose the possible preventive methods prior to its progression and possible complications; - to determine the clinical efficiency of the proposed caries and non-carious lesions prophylactics approaches that appear during the periodontium tissues diseases in young individuals (18-25 years old). The obtained results of the work were the development of new diagnostic schemes and therapeutic and preventive measures considering the individual molecular and genetic profiles of the examined young individuals for risk detection and disease prevention on the pre-disease stage. The dental investigations with the use of objective clinical methods of investigation for the determination of caries and non-carious lesions presence with their identification according to the classification of Fedorov and classification of Black according to the Rugg-Gunn index were performed. The biochemical, immunological, molecular, and genetic laboratory investigations were performed. Based on the obtained data the conclusion about the robust link between the genetic component and the appearance of the teeth solid tissues was made, also it was concluded that the high distribution level of teeth solid tissues diseases (caries and 14 non-carious lesions) that appear during the periodontium tissue disease in young individuals indicate about the low efficiency of the existing prophylactic approaches that are used in everyday life and all mentioned above indicates about the necessity of the renewal of the modern prophylaxis schemes of such diseases. According to the results of the study, correlations were established between indices characterizing the severity of non-carious lesions of the teeth and objective periodontal indices. The systemic and local risk factors that determine the severity of non-carious teeth lesions were clarified. Also, the dominant role of genetic factors in the formation of physical, chemical, and morphological properties of the teeth enamel in young individuals was established which allows considering the heredity role in caries and teeth erosions development as relevant. The nature of changes in mineral metabolism in the oral fluid, and hard teeth tissues in case of non-carious lesions of the teeth in the examined persons with periodontium diseases was established and their interrelations were studied. There were 274 examined persons under our observation with periodontal tissue diseases and non-carious lesions of the teeth aged from 18 to 25 years. Among them, 76 individuals were selected who had non-carious lesions of teeth during the periodontal tissue diseases (II group) (chronic catarrhal gingivitis and less generalized periodontitis) and during the intact periodontal disease (III group). The control group consisted of 19 individuals with multiple caries during periodontal tissue diseases (group I).

Research papers

Турянська НІ. Розповсюдженість захворюваності твердих тканин зубів серед студентів. Вісн. проблем біології і медицини. 2017;2(4):253-6.

Турянська НІ. Поширеність захворювань твердих тканин зубів у осіб молодого віку. Акт. проблеми сучас. медицини. 2017;17(4):221-4.

Білоклицька ГФ, Копчак ОВ, Ашаренкова ОВ, Турянська НІ. Європейський день здоров’я ясен в Україні 2017. Дент Арт. 2017;(4);42-6.

Турянська НІ. Віддалені результати впливу лікувально- профілактичних засобів на основі подвійного цинку й аргініну серед студентської молоді м. Києва з ерозіями зубів на тлі захворювань тканин пародонта. Укр. стоматол. альм. 2021(3 Дод):86-7.

Турянська НІ. Оцінка прогностичної значимості поліморфізмів гена ММР 20 (матриксна металопротеїназа) в виникненні ерозій зубів на тлі захворювань тканин пародонта в осіб молодого віку. В: Збірник наукових праць співробітників НМАПО ім. П. Л. Шупика. 2019;(33):172-81. http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Znpsnmapo_2019_33_22

Турянська НІ. Оцінка прогностичної значущості поліморфізму гена KLK 4 на можливість виникненні ерозії зубів на тлі захворювань тканин пародонта в осіб молодого віку. В: Тези 5-го Нац. укр. стоматол. конгр. Стоматологічне здоров’я – 24 інтегральна складова здоров’я нації; 2010 Жовт 18-19; Київ. Сучас. стоматологія. 2019;(4):86.

Turianska N. Determination of early diagnosis markers for digital tissue on background of periodontal tissue diseases in a young people. Annali d’Italia. 2020;(3):35-7

Biloklytska GF, Gorgol KO, Turianska NI. MMP20, KLK4, and ENAM genes prognostic significance in the dental erosion development. Annals of Dental Specialty. 2020 Apr-Jun;8(2):86-93.

Білоклицька ГФ, Турянська НІ. Результати застосування лікувально-профілактичних засобів на основі подвійного цинку та аргініну серед студентської молоді м. Києва з ерозіями зубів на тлі захворювань тканин пародонту з генетичною схильністю до даних захворювань. Collocquium journal. 2021;(9):13-7.

Білоклицкая ГФ, Турянская НИ. Поражения твердых тканей зубов у молодежи (18-25 лет), в контексте влияния локальных факторов риска на развитие эрозий зубов и кариеса на фоне заболеваний тканей пародонта, а также на фоне интактного пародонта в данной возрастной группе. Spirit time. 2021;(5):6-13.

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