Liashchenko V. Forming professional competence of inclusionresource centers’ specialists in conditions of postgraduate education

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 015 - Професійна освіта (за спеціалізаціями)


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 015.21.23

Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after H.S. Skovorody


The dissertation is devoted to the specialists of inclusive resource centers’ professional competence formation in the conditions of postgraduate education. The scientific novelty of the results of the study is that for the first time: the theoretical and methodical bases of inclusive resource centers specialists professional competence formation in the conditions of postgraduate education are proved; the system of inclusive resource centers specialists professional competence formation in the conditions of postgraduate education; the system of inclusive resource centers specialists professional competence formation in the conditions of postgraduate education is modeled; updating the content of educational programs of advanced training courses for specialists of inclusive resource centers; combination of traditional and innovative forms and methods of teaching this category of educators; the content of basic concepts («competence», «professional competence», «inclusive resource center», «inclusive resource center specialist», «postgraduate education») were improved; methods and diagnostic tools for the inclusive resource centers specialists professional competence formation; the content of the concept of «professional competence of specialists of inclusive resource centers» as an integral characteristic based on the availability of professional knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as personal qualities in the implementation of diagnostic, psychological and pedagogical, correctional and developmental, counseling support for children with special educational needs, their parents and teachers in educational institutions, and manifests itself in the ability to communicate and interact effectively with participants in the educational process and also with members of the team of psychological and pedagogical support of a child with SEN. components (motivational-value, correctional-pedagogical, diagnosticanalytical), criteria (personal, practical-activity, monitoring), indicators of component formation according to the relevant criteria (motivational and value component: 1) motivation and interest in working with children with SEN; 2) promotion of the values of inclusive education during correctional and developmental work; 3) personal and professionally significant qualities for the implementation of correctional and developmental work with children with SEN; correctional and pedagogical component: 1) availability of professional knowledge in pedagogy, age and pedagogical psychology, ICT; 2) availability of professional knowledge in correctional pedagogy, its branches, rehabilitation, special psychology, neurophysiology, medicine, medical pedagogy; 3) the formation of special skills; diagnostic and analytical component: 1) implementation of diagnostics and comprehensive assessment of the child’s development, conducting consultative activities; 2) maintaining the IRC documentation within the framework of professional activity; 3) monitoring the dynamics of the child’s development), levels (high, medium, low) of the inclusive resource centers specialists professional competence formation; scientific and methodological support for the inclusive resource centers specialists professional competence formation in conditions of postgraduate education have been further worked out. The practical significance of the obtained results is to work out, to update, to improve and to implement in the process of inclusive resource centers’ specialists’ postgraduate training: educational programs of advanced training courses: pedagogical workers on the issue of inclusive education; teachers of special boarding schools, deaf educators, typhlopedagogues, correctional psychopedagogues (oligophrenic pedagogues), speech therapists, practical psychologists and social pedagogues; a comprehensive training program for specialists of inclusive resource centers; educational program of short-term refresher courses «Technologies for the creation the correctional and developmental programs» for practical psychologists of general secondary education; programs of thematic special courses: «Organization of inclusive education as part of the «New Ukrainian School», «Inclusive education: the first steps in working with «special children», «Focus on student needs in inclusive education», «Organization of educational process in inclusive classroom in conditions of distance and blended learning», «Features of work with socially maladapted children», «Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of inclusive education», «Fundamentals of correctional pedagogy», «Modeling of speech therapists’ correctional work», «Correctional and developmental work in autism», «Organization of inclusive training in general secondary education institutions: urgent issues», «Crisis counseling skills and development of psychosocial resilience to stress in children».

Research papers

Лященко В. М. Інноваційна діяльність як предмет наукових досліджень. Педагогіка та психологія: зб. наук. пр.; за заг. ред. акад. І. Ф. Прокопенка, проф. С. Т. Золотухіної. Харків: ТОВ «ДІСА ПЛЮС», 2018. Вип. 59. С. 24–32.

Лященко В. М. Інноваційні форми підвищення компетентності педагогічних працівників Харківської області з питань навчання дітей з особливостями психофізичного розвитку в закладах освіти. Педагогіка формування творчої особистості у вищій і загальноосвітній школах: зб. наук. пр. / [редкол.: А. В. Сущенко (голов. ред.) та ін.]. Запоріжжя: КПУ, 2021. № 79. Т. 2. С. 23–26.

Лященко В. Підходи до розвитку професійної компетентності фахівців інклюзивно-ресурсних центрів у післядипломній освіті. Актуальнi питання гуманiтарних наук: мiжвузiвський збiрник наукових праць молодих вчених Дрогобицького державного педагогiчного унiверситету iменi Iвана Франка. 2021. Вип 43. Т. 2. С. 224–229.


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