Bazhmina E. Formation of the culture of independent work of engineering students by means of BYOD technology

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


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  • 015 - Професійна освіта (за спеціалізаціями)


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 17.051.058

Zaporizhzhia National University


In the dissertation, the problem of forming the culture of independent work of engineering students by means of BYOD technology was investigated and a new approach to its solution was proposed, which determines the introduction into the educational process of higher education institutions of pedagogical conditions for the effective formation of the culture of independent work of future specialists in mechanical engineering. Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, the theoretical foundations of the culture of independent work are determined: scientific approaches (systemic, activity-based, personalized) regarding the formation of the culture of independent work of the acquirer's personality; external and internal signs of the process of students' independent work; peculiarities of pedagogical patronage during the adaptation period of education seekers, which made it possible to characterize the cultural and professional direction of training a machine-building specialist in institutions of higher education, the formation of a culture of independent work of future specialists under mediated pedagogical support, and to determine the nature of the general culture of the production of machine-building products by qualified specialists. The study clarified the meaning of the phenomenon "independent work of a higher education student" as an educational and cognitive activity that is carried out in classroom classes or outside the classroom under the indirect guidance of a teacher and is aimed at the formation of personal and professional qualities of an individual. The content of the definition of the conceptual construct "the culture of independent work of engineering students" as the level of personal qualities that ensure the independent mastery of a set of knowledge, skills, abilities to search for scientific and professional information and the effective application of types, methods and means of its processing, with the aim of manufacturing engineering products , following the norms, rules and values of production and heredity of previous achievements of mankind. The formation of the culture of independent work of a higher education student of the mechanical engineering profile is considered as a multi-faceted, multi-level, time-consuming, long-term, integrated process that is improved throughout life. The structure of students' independent work by means of the electronic course was developed, substantiated and implemented; the mechanism for determining the goal by target levels; the structure of the personalized learning model; pedagogical patronage of independent work in the "teacher student" system, where the teacher indirectly manages the educational process, providing the student of higher education with timely constructive support. Under these circumstances, the teacher is a teacher-mentor, a consultant. The step-by-step application in independent work of didactic methods of various classifications (by the source of knowledge, by cognitive activity, by the nature of the logic of knowledge) is characterized, which ensure the transition from one stage of the student’s assimilation of knowledge to the next, and are functionally aimed at activating education seekers to cognitive activity, the search for additional educational information, independent mental work, increasing the efficiency of predicted educational achievements and responsibility for one's own results, creative cooperation with fellow students and providing mutual assistance in learning. It has been established that the BYOD technology is a comprehensive toolkit of the educational environment. It has been proven that the creation of a digital educational environment, the development and implementation of electronic training courses in the professional training of a future specialist today is an indispensable modern requirement for higher education. The essence of BYOD technology is determined, which consists in the use of one's own digital devices in the classroom and outside the classroom for independent work, and has such opportunities as: obtaining access to educational materials and cloud technologies, learning in a joint educational environment, using the method of formative assessment, giving teachers the opportunity to analyze the success of each applicant in real time, providing instant feedback to students. The organizational and pedagogical conditions that ensure the successful development of the formation of the culture of independent work of mechanical engineering students have been developed, theoretically substantiated and experimentally verified. It was established that the first pedagogical condition - the activation of students' cognitive activity - is the basic condition for the formation of a culture of independent work of students and involves the introduction of B. Bloom's taxonomy into the developed structure of the educational discipline, which contributes to the activation of the...

Research papers

Lokareva H. V., Bazhmina E. A. Personalization in education: students managing their learning by means of digital technologies. Information Technologies and Learning Tools. 2021. Vol. 86. Issue 6. P. 187–207 (Web of Science)

Локарєва Г. В., Бажміна Е. А. «Культура самостійної роботи здобувача вищої освіти» як сучасний феномен освітньої парадигми. Pedagogical and psychological science and education: transformation and development vectors : Collective monograph. Vol. 1. Riga, Latvia : “Baltija Publishing”, 2021. С. 306–336

Бажміна Е. А. Самостійна робота студентів в системі навчального-виховного процесу вищої школи. Педагогічні науки : теорія та практика. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ, 2018. № 2. С. 38–44

Бажміна Е. А. Формувальне оцінювання: цілі, умови, принципи та структура. Вісник Черкаського національного університету імені Богдана Хмельницького : Педагогічні науки. 2020. № 4. С. 130–137

Бажміна Е. А. SWOT-Аналіз: Планування застосування технології BYOD студентами машинобудівної галузі у закладах вищої освіти. Фізико-математична освіта. 2020. № 4 (26). С. 34–39

Бажміна Е. А. Використання BYOD технологій в освітньому процесі. Наукові записки Бердянського державного педагогічного університету : Педагогічні науки. 2020. Вип. 3. С.27–40

Бажміна Е. А. Постановка цілей занять навчального курсу за таксономією Б. Блума у закладах вищої освіти. Педагогічні інновації: ідеї, реалії, перспективи. 2020. № 2 (25). С. 30–38


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