The dissertation study represents the implementation of a comprehensive solution to the problem of modern pedagogical science and practice – the formation of the artistic and pedagogical mentality of future teachers of fine arts in institutions of higher education
The aim of the research is the theoretical substantiation and experimental testing of pedagogical conditions and the structural-functional model of the formation of the artistic and pedagogical mentality of future teachers of fine arts.
The content of the phenomenon “artistic and pedagogical mentality of future teachers of fine arts” is scientifically substantiated as: a non-linear-additive, polymodal, professionally-determined and personally-generated construct, which simultaneously acts as a process and result of the formation of a conglomerate of cognitive-intellectual, emotional-energetic and artistic-visual skills, pedagogical and professional attitudes and intentions, formed on the basis of active spiritual practice from reflective knowledge of fine art, artistic and creative activity in the determinants of stable national and cultural traditions (historical and cultural, traditional and folkloric, decorative and practical, ethnic worldviews), world artistic-aesthetic and visual-artistic culture and artistic-pedagogical didactics.
The multi-component nature of the artistic and pedagogical mentality of fine art teachers is conditioned by the synergistic combination of the artistic mentality of the artist and the pedagogical mentality of the teacher. It is this angle of consideration of the phenomenology of artistic and pedagogical mentality that made it possible to interpret it as the final result of mastering, understanding and practical mastery of artistic-mental attributes of fine art and mental meta-values of artistic and pedagogical education based on the systematic formation of a conglomerate of cognitive-informational, artistic-existential and creative-pedagogical segments of professional (professional and pedagogical, fine-art) training, which acquire sustainable development and functional disclosure on the basis of valuable assets of the national, regional and world fine-art heritage, determine the professional self-identification of the future teacher of fine arts and their personal-artistic style strategy on self-realization in art pedagogy.
Professional identification, artistic-metacognitive, existential-emotional components are included in the structure of the artistic-pedagogical mentality of future fine art teachers. The professional identification component of the artistic and pedagogical mentality of fine art teachers reflects the modality of the pedagogical sphere of the professional activity of the teacher-artist: the desire and ability to synergistically apply psychological and pedagogical (didactic, methodical, educational, developmental, facilitation-supportive, constructive-projective), professional-aesthetic (artistic, cultural, aesthetic-generative), integrative-artistic (design-project-based, decorative-applied, spatial-subject-utility, information-communication) attributes of competence in professional artistic and pedagogical activity. The artistic-metacognitive component of the artistic and pedagogical mentality of fine art teachers captures the modality of the artistic sphere of the personality of the teacher-artist as an artist: the formed artistic picture of the world; the ability to understand the integrative and synesthetic characteristics (polygenre, multi-functionality, a wide palette of technical and technological performance varieties) of fine art; development of artistic and creative thinking; the ability to decode the sociocultural code and national features of fine art. The existential-emotional component of the artistic and pedagogical mentality of the fine art teacher reflects the modality of the emotional-reflective (non-rational-intentional) sphere of the personality of the teacher-artist. It ensures an adequate emotional response of the teacher-artist to the variable values of art, which are determined by the attributive features of the artistic mentality itself: the artistic worldview and idea of the aesthetic picture of the world, orientation to inter-ethnic, cultural and national values, socio-cultural stereotypes of behavior.. The levels of formation of the artistic and pedagogical mentality of future teachers of fine arts are characterized.