Fedichev O. Modern Chinese Diplomatic Discourse: Structural, Semantic and Linguopragmatic Aspects

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 035 - Філологія


Specialized Academic Board


Kyiv National Linguistic University


The thesis focuses on a complex study of the structural, semantic and linguo-pragmatic aspects of modern Chinese diplomatic discourse. It has been established that the separation of diplomatic discourse as a separate type of discourse is possible on the basis of the sociolinguistic classification of discourse, which divides all discourses into personality-oriented (personal) and status-oriented (institutional) based on the characteristics of communication participants. The identification of a certain type of institutional discourse is carried out on the basis of the degree of development of the relevant social institutions at a certain stage of the development of society. The term diplomatic discourse in the paper is understood as a complex communicative phenomenon, as one of the types of institutional discourse that functions within such social institutions as diplomacy, foreign policy, international relations, is implemented both publicly and privately in oral and written forms, and is strictly regulated by international and ethno-specific rules, historical traditions, rhetorical and stylistic norms. To identify and characterize the features of modern Chinese diplomatic discourse, the methodology of studying diplomatic discourse as one of the types of institutional discourse, which involves the analysis of such aspects as participants, chronotope, goals, values, strategies, genres, precedent texts and discursive formulas, is applied for the first time in Ukrainian sinology. The research confirms that the participants in the diplomatic discourse are professional diplomats, high-ranking state officials, the states themselves and their authorities. The specific discursive formulas used in Chinese diplomatic discourse to name each group of participants and address them are analyzed in detail. The chronotope is important in diplomatic discourse at the level of context. The peculiarities of linguistic manifestations of the chronotope in the Chinese diplomatic discourse, which are conditioned by the lexical and grammatical features of the Chinese language, are analyzed. The study proves, that the main goal of modern Chinese diplomatic discourse is to confirm the status of the PRC as one of the world leaders. The linguistic manifestation of the goals of diplomatic discourse is primarily found in the semantics and pragmatics of the discourse. It is determined that the values of diplomatic discourse derive from its main goals and are usually expressed in the key foreign policy documents of the state. The main declared values of Chinese diplomatic development include peace, joint development, non-interference in internal affairs, and the right of a nation to choose its own path of development. The strategies of diplomatic discourse serve to realize its goals and protect values. The key strategies of diplomatic discourse can be defined as argumentative, informational, declarative, and less often confrontational and discrediting strategies are used. The specificity of Chinese-language diplomatic discourse is the predominance of constructive strategies over confrontational ones. Lingual manifestation of the strategy of diplomatic discourse in Chinese is found at the lexical, semantic and contextual levels. It has been established that the genres of diplomatic discourse are typical for different countries and languages. The implementation of each genre in the Chinese diplomatic discourse has a certain specificity, determined both by the grammar of the Chinese language and by contextual factors: the features of the political system of the PRC and the worldview of the Chinese people. The thesis proves that the Chinese diplomatic discourse has a significant number of features in common with foreign diplomatic discourses, which is caused by the very nature of diplomacy as an international activity, as well as the fact that most genres of Chinese diplomatic discourse were created by Chinese speakers according to foreign models. At the same time, the linguistic implementation of the vast majority of genres of Chinese diplomatic discourse has its own specificity, caused by the peculiarities of the Chinese language. The research applies to the methods of complex discourse analysis: combing lexical, semantic, and syntactic analysis; pragmatic analysis of speech and communicative acts; analysis of the specificity of discursive genres; semiotic analysis of sound, visual material and multimodal parameters of discourse and communication to analyze the semantics and pragmatics of specific fragments. As a result of the research of the semantic and pragmatic features of the media report on the diplomatic event, it was established that this discursive genre is characterized by a standard structure, which requires the observance of a clear sequence.

Research papers

Федічев, О. Є. (2022а). Семіотизація агресії РФ проти України в китайськомовному дипломатичному дискурсі. Вісник КНЛУ. Серія Філологія, 2, 53-69.

Федічев, О. Є. (2022b). Публічна промова як жанр китайськомовного дипломатичного дискурсу. Закарпатські філологічні студії, 26, 133-140.

Федічев, О. Є. (2023). Структурно-семантичні та прагматичні аспекти промови професійного дипломата в сучасному китайськомовному дипломатичному дискурсі. Китаєзнавчі дослідження, 1, 113-124.


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