Kemenchedzhy Y. Musical art of Zaporizhzhia of the second half of the 20th – beginning of the 21st century: compositional and performing aspects

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 025 - Музичне мистецтво


Specialized Academic Board


Kharkiv State Academy of Culture


The dissertation is devoted to the disclosure of the specifics of the development of the musical art of Zaporizhzhia in the second half of the 20th – the beginning of the 21st century, as well as to the definition of the creative achievements of leading composers and performers of this region. The relevance of the research topic is due to the significance of the achievements aporizhzhia musical art in the second half of the 20th – beginning of the 21st century, the need for its comprehensive scientific understanding as a phenomenon of the national musical culture, the significant artistic importance of the creative activity of Zaporizhzhia artists – composers and performers, as well as that is also caused by the insufficient study of the mentioned issues in Ukrainian music science. The scientific novelty of the study is that the musical art of Zaporizhzhia in the second half of the 20th – beginning of the 21st century as a phenomenon appearing for the first time as an object of special scientific research. For the first time, the European dimensions of musical art of the Zaporizhzhia region are substantiated. The nature of the representation of the musical art of Zaporizhzhia in the discourse of Ukrainian music studies and musical regionycs is highlighted. The role of artistic projects of Zaporizhzhia musicians in the regional, national and European musical space is revealed. The creative activity of the leading Zaporizhzhia artists-performers Ilona Turchaninova and Olga Bezhenar is characterized. The periodization and genre-stylistic typology of the works of composers Nataliya Boyeva and Dmytro Savenko are proposed. The peculiarities of the interpretation of the genre of the instrumental concert in the composer's creativity of Dm. Savenko are defined. The peculiarities of the spiritual creativity of Hanna Khazova in the context of her artistic worldview and composer's thinking are determined. A number of works by modern Zaporizhzhia composers have been introduced into the scientific circulation of Ukrainian musicology. The originality and significance of Zaporizhzhia musical art of the second half of the 20th – beginning of the 21st century as a phenomenon that organically combines regional and national features is determined. The basic role in the study of this phenomenon of the discourses of musical Ukrainianistics and musical regionics, which contribute to the close interaction of regional, national and European cultural contexts, is proven.

Research papers

1. Кеменчеджи Є. П. Художні колективи Запорізької обласної філармонії в контексті професійного музичного мистецтва краю (друга половина ХХ — початок ХХІ ст.). Культура України : зб. наук. пр. / Харків. держ. акад. культури ; за заг. ред. В. М. Шейка. Харків : ХДАК, 2019. Вип. 65. С. 107-119.

2. Кеменчеджи Є. П. Запорізьке музичне училище в мистецькому просторі ХХ – початку ХХІ століть: минуле та сучасність. Актуальні питання гуманітарних наук : міжвузівський зб. наук. пр. молодих вчених Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету імені Івана Франка / [ред.-упоряд. М. Пантюк, А. Душний, І. Зимомря]. Дрогобич : Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2020. Вип. 32. Т. 1. С. 43-51.

3. Кеменчеджи Є. П. Образний зміст та музична мова кантати Ганни Хазової «Дай нам, Боже!». Мистецтвознавчі та культурологічні студії. (Fine Art and Culture Studies). Луцьк : Волинський національний університет імені Лесі Українки, 2022. № 3. С. 31-38.

4. Kemenchedgy Ye. P. Art project “Composers of Zaporizhzhia invite…” as a factor of the modern musical life of the region. European Journal of Arts. Vienna. №4, 2021. Pp. 40-46.


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