Gao J. The influence of philosophy and aesthetics of Taoism on Chinese vocal culture

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

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  • 025 - Музичне мистецтво


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 35.869.006

Lviv national music academy named after M.V. Lysenko


The study of the phenomenon of the movement «Taoism», which arose in the 3rd millennium BC and formed into a coherent system of philosophical and religious views in the 1st millennium BC, the huge influence of its philosophical and aesthetic principles on the entire further development of Chinese culture and art, has recently attracted an increasing number of both Chinese and world researchers. Their works are dedicated to the study of the texts of the most ancient books of China, philosophical treatises, works of literary heritage and monuments of fine and architectural art, almost not touching the problems of studying the musical art of the Taoists, the origins, the development of their musical culture, and the significance of the influence of the traditions laid down by them on the further development of the Chinese national music. Taoism appears to be the most original and distinctive trend in China and most deeply reflects the peculiarities of Chinese thought. The basis for the emergence of Taoist music was the awareness of the existence of special, musical sounds by the ancient Taoists; the invention and fixation of the deep and voluminous word «music» (yue) as inseparable categories of «special sounds», «health», «joy», «happiness», «satisfaction» and «pleasure», in search of which, as well as conducting rituals and meditating, they have long chosen forms of listening and performing melodies; creation of the first musical instruments and song and dance melodies; selection of the first singers-performers of Taoist songs from among the people; comprehension of further understanding the importance of music in the life of society and the definition of its role by ancient philosophers: music creates pleasure that a person cannot do without (Xuang Ji), that the essence of musical sounds is harmony, harmony in heaven and on Earth is the highest state of music (Ji Kang ), as the idea of universal balance in the world of harmony – the harmony of man with music, which is an element of this harmony (Confucius), that the one who has realized the Tao can express his thoughts in songs most precisely – because the creation of music comes from nature and the universe (Lu Xu Jin). The developed original concept of human cultural development became the basis of Taoist culture, the vocal culture of China in particular. Philosophical thoughts became an integral part of Chinese culture, and the fundamental ideas of Taoist philosophy and religion, which had long been embedded in people's minds, had a determinative influence on laying the foundations for the formation of all types of Chinese art, including musical art.

Research papers

Жао Джін. Праці мислителів давнього Китаю як свідчення становлення музичної педагогіки, естетики та критики. Українська музика: науковий часопис. Львів, 2019. Число 3–4 (33–34). С. 117–124.

Жао Джін. Глобалізаційні виміри розвитку музичної культури Сходу. Наукові записки Львівської національної музичної академії ім. М.В. Лисенка. Музикознавчий універсум. Львів, 2020. Вип. 46. С. 370–389.

Жао Джін. Опрацювання давніх даоських пісень китайськими композиторами ХХ – початку ХХІ століття. Мистецтвознавчі записки Національної академії керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв. Музичне мистецтво. Київ, 2023. Випуск 43. С. 163–168.


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