Kartushynska A. Peculiarities of the psychological health of women of reproductive age

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 053 - Психологія

Specialized Academic Board


Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University


The dissertation is devoted to the study of the psychological health of women of reproductive age. The dissertation includes a theoretical analysis and an empirical study of the psychological health of women of reproductive age. The program of psychological support for reproductive disorders in women has been theoretically substantiated and experimentally tested. The psychological aspects of the health of women of reproductive age are theoretically substantiated, in particular the problems of motherhood and psychosomatic disorders of the reproductive sphere of women. A tangential analysis of the definitions of the scope of the investigated problem was carried out: "health", "reproductive health", "fertility", "women of reproductive age", "somatic (physical) health", "infertility", "mental health", "psychological health" ", "psychological health of women of reproductive age", etc. It is noted that in contrast to fertility (reproducibility), the problem of infertility arises - the inability of even a healthy or relatively healthy / physically unhealthy female organism to give birth. The psychological health of women of reproductive age is defined as the state of their mental well-being based on the formation of intellectual, emotional and social components of the personality structure, which are specified by the adequacy of self- regulatory behavior and activities in the context of procreation. The social and structural factors of the specificity of the reproductive behavior of modern women are summarized. It is substantiated that the psychological aspects of the health of women of reproductive age predict their awareness of the significance and essence of psychological health in the context of procreation, which is determined by objective and subjective factors of reproductive behavior. Aspects of motherhood, presented in scientific research as elements of the mother’s emotional and physical characteristics, are summarized. It has been proven that the behavioral aspects of motherhood are consonant with the emotional state of the mother, determined by her attitude towards the child. A psychological characterization of women with reproductive disorders was carried out. Characterized psychosomatic and medico-biological aspects of disorders of the reproductive sphere of women. The scientific novelty of the study is that: for the first time, a theoretical analysis and empirical study of the psychological health of women of reproductive age has been carried out; the essence of the concepts "health", "reproductive health", "fertility", "women of reproductive age", "somatic (physical) health", "infertility", "mental health", "psychological health", "I am a woman of reproductive age", etc.; the psychological characteristics of women with disorders of the reproductive sphere and psychosomatic, medical and biological aspects of disorders of the reproductive sphere of women are defined; psychological determinants that contribute to the formation of reproductive attitudes and improve the psychological health of women of reproductive age with infertility are singled out; the definition of social, structural factors specific to the reproductive behavior of modern women and aspects of motherhood has been improved; the substantiation of objective and subjective factors of reproductive behavior of women of reproductive age gained further development. The practical significance of the research lies in the development of the program "Psychological support for reproductive disorders in women", which provided for four main areas of work: overcoming depression in women of reproductive age, in particular with a diagnosis of "infertility"; psychological assistance in overcoming the anxiety of the specified category of women; improvement of the emotional sphere of women with infertility; development of psychological determinants. Scientific and practical recommendations for overcoming reproductive inferiority in women are substantiated. The main directions of psychotherapeutic and psychocorrective measures to improve the psychological health of women of reproductive age have been developed and applied; organizational measures to improve the psychological health of women with infertility for women’s consultations and medical centers with ART. The task of implementing a program of organizational measures to improve the psychological health of women of reproductive age with infertility is formulated.

Research papers

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Картушинська А. В. Демографічні тенденції в Україні – оцінка материнства. Науковий журнал «Гуманітарні студії: педагогіка, психологія, філософія». 2022. Т. 13. № 3. URL: http://journals.nubip.edu.ua/index.php/Pedagogica/article/view/16728

Картушинська А. В. Психологічні складові фертильності у жінок. Науковий журнал «Гуманітарні студії: педагогіка, психологія, філософія». 2022. Т. 13. № 4 (2022). URL: http://journals.nubip.edu.ua/index.php/Pedagogica/article/view/16800

Картушинська А. В. Дослідження психологічних станів жінок при порушеннях репродуктивної сфери - програма щодо подолання репродуктивної неповноцінності. Гуманітарні студії: педагогіка, 13 психологія, філософія. 2023. Т. 14. № 2. URL: http://journals.nubip.edu.ua/index.php/Pedagogica/article/view/46107

Наконечна А. В. Ефективність когнітивно-поведінкової терапії та психокорекції у жінок. Міжнародний журнал загальної та медичної психології «Медична психологія». 2018. Т. 1. №1. С.123-124. URL: https://medpsyrehab.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/journal_10_2018_1.pdf

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Картушинська А. В. Здоров`я жінок і війна: проблеми захисту та відновлення. Науковий журнал «Психологічні проблеми». Вірменський державний педагогічний університет ім.Х.Абовяна, факультет психології освіти та соціології, кафедра психології ім. акад. Мртича Мазманяна: матеріали міжнародної конференції «Соціальнопсихологічні наслідки війни». (Єреван, 21-22 жовт. 2022р.). Єреван, 2022. №1 (1). С. 39-43. ISSN 2953-7924. URL: 14 https://aspu.am/website/images/files/PSYCHOLOGICAL-PROBLEMSN11-ASPU.pdf

Картушинська А. В. Проблеми ускладненої реалізації репродуктивного потенціалу в сучасній психологічній науці - подолання репродуктивної неповноцінності у жінок. Теорія та практика репродукції людини: матеріали міжнародного симпозіуму (Львів, 26-27 травня 2023р.). Львів, 2023. URL: https://uarm.org.ua/images/download/Programma_A5_preview.pdf


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