Huo X. The method of formation of self-control ability of future teachers of music and choreography in the process of performance

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


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  • 014 - Середня освіта (за предметними спеціальностями)


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 55

Dragomanov Ukrainian State University


The dissertation examines the actual problem of forming the ability to self-control future teachers of music and choreography in the process of performance. Self-control is considered as a person's ability to consciously regulate their own behavior and activities in order to ensure compliance of their results with the set goals, requirements, norms, and rules. The purpose of self-monitoring is to prevent and correct erroneous actions or operations. An important role in the processes of self-control of an individual is played by his self-esteem. The ability to self-control is considered by us from the position of axiological, competence, reflexive and creative activity approach. In the basis of the axiological approach, value appears as a selective principle, orients to trace the concept of self-control from the perspective of filling with various senses of executive activity, provides an opportunity to understand and find the relationship with the ideals and norms of both an individual personality and a cultural stratum of people, since the scientific view is directed to ideas about values, their nature, singularity and multiplicity of specific modifications, regularities of their manifestation in various specific forms (value orientations, culture, orientation of interests, etc.). A competent approach to the consideration of the concept of self-control in executive activity implements a priority orientation on the results of education, i.e. monitors the sufficient possession of the necessary general cultural and professional competencies, including self-determination, socialization, individual development and self-actualization, which provides an opportunity to observe the emergence of a layer of competitive, mobile, proactive professionals, as much as possible taking into account the requests and interests of employers in the educational process, including in higher professional education. The reflexive approach is valuable in that in the process of reflective perception of works of art by a person, on the one hand, their external evaluation and value recognition as works of art that have universal significance, and on the other hand, deep internal processes of self-knowledge take place. The creative-activity approach is a system of methodological and theoretical principles of research, the main subject of which is creative activity, it traces the main positions of the process of designing a person's future executive activity, the dependence between actions, characterological qualities and interdependence with life circumstances that condition people's actions, with the actions by which people change the circumstances of their own lives, and the specifics of manifestation and activity in creative activity are also taken into account. The structure of the self-control ability of future music and choreography teachers in the process of performance includes motivational-adaptive, competence-integrative, performance-projective components. The motivational-adaptive component assumes that executive activity should be motivated, as this will determine professional activity, affect the logarithm of current and future demands that the individual will set for himself, and also contain adaptive elements that will condition and adjust the activity, directing it to the "reference sample" and fixing with positive emotions. The competence-integrative component should be based on the core formed by the fusion of general and specialized knowledge, leading abilities and skills in the art field. At the same time, taking into account the global trend towards the densification of the flow of information, the rapid pace of emergence, growth and popularization of innovative technologies, auxiliary technical gadgets, we realize that in order to remain a competent professional and a "modern" teacher, it is necessary to show internal activity regarding their assimilation and implementation in executive activity. The performance-projective component includes a deep understanding by future teachers of music and choreography of all components, on the basis of which initial images, ideas about the artistic content and technical features arise, but on their basis ideas of future creative interpretations are born. The main principles of the dissertation are the principle of diversification of means and forms of creative and musical activity of students of the faculties of arts, the principle of reflexivity, the principle of encouragement to creative self-expression in performing activities. Pedagogical conditions for self-control of future teachers of music and choreography in the process of performing activities are stimulation of the ability to self-analysis of future teachers of music and choreography in the process of performing activities, encouragement to creative self-expression in musical and performing activities, ensuring the integration of artistic knowledge.

Research papers

1. Хо Сінянь. Компетентнісний підхід у формуванні здатності до самоконтролю виконавської діяльності майбутніх учителів музики та хореографії. Науковий часопис НПУ імені М.П. Драгоманова. Серія 14. Теорія і методика мистецької освіти. Вип. 29. Київ: УДУ імені Михайла Драгоманова, 2023. С. 141-148. DOI 10.31392/NPU-nc.series14.2023.29.18.

2. Хо Сінянь. Виконавсько-проективна складова у структурі самоконтролю майбутніх учителів музики та хореографії. Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології. 2023, № 7 (131). DOI 10.24139/2312-5993/2023.07/258-267

3. Хо Сінянь. Діагностика сформованості здатності до самоконтролю майбутніх учителів музики та хореографії у процесі виконавської діяльності. (2023). DIAGNOSTICS OF FORMATION OF SELF-CONTROL ABILITY OF FUTURE TEACHERS OF MUSIC AND CHOREOGRAPHY. Frankfurt. TK Meganom LLC. Paradigm of knowledge. 4(58). doi: 10.26886/2520-7474.4(58)2023.5

4. Хо Сінянь. Компетентнісно-інтегративний конструкт сформованості здатності до самоконтролю майбутніх учителів музики та хореографії. Сучасна мистецька освіта: матеріали ІV Міжнародних науково-практичних читань пам’яті академіка Анатолія Авдієвського. К.: НПУ імені М. П. Драгоманова, 2020. С. 273-275.

5. Хо Сінянь. Мотиваційна спрямованість студентів факультетів мистецтв на виконання продуктивної діяльності з учнями. Сучасна мистецька освіта: матеріали V Міжнародних науково-практичних читань пам’яті академіка Анатолія Авдієвського. К.: НПУ імені М. П. Драгоманова, 2021. С. 210-212.


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