YAROSH H. Correction of posture disorders in young boxers

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 017 - Фізична культура і спорт


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 24.017.19; ID 2155

National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport


The dissertation is devoted to increasing the effectiveness of sports training of young athletes. The purpose of the research is to theoretically substantiate, develop and experimentally test the technology for correcting boxers' postural disorders at the stage of initial training. In view of the relevance of the research prospects to the development of technology for the prevention and correction of violations of the spatial organization of the body of young boxers, the educational and training classes of such athletes will acquire not only a sports-resultative, but also a health-improving orientation under the following conditions: paying due attention during programming and specific planning of sports training facilities to the individual parameters of the spatial organization of the body of young athletes, their level of physical fitness and the sequence of their performance of physical improvement tasks; use for evaluation of initial data of physical development of young athletes, in addition to generally accepted characteristics, indicators of spatial organization of their body; forecasting in technology, against the background of general developmental exercises, physical exercises for correcting functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system, which are to be performed with strict regulation of the body's gravitational interactions, taking into account the individual characteristics of the motility of young athletes, the specifics of their adaptation adjustments, the level of individual physical development achieved and preparedness with orientation to a given level corresponding to age norms of physical development; monitoring the condition of the musculoskeletal system of young athletes during training based on modular monitoring of the spatial organization of their bodies. The results of the implementation of the technology for the correction of boxers' posture violations at the stage of initial training were evaluated based on the spectrum of efficiency criteria. Thus, conducting the experiment highlighted the positive dynamics of posture among boxers aged 11–12 for both experimental (EG) and control (CG) groups. However, the distribution of boxers aged 11–12 years by their posture type, performed on the basis of the data of the formative experiment, made it possible to reveal that in CG 40% of athletes have a normal posture, while in EG - 53.33%, which was achieved by using the author's technology ; the indicators of athletes with the posture type "hunched back" remained unchanged in both CG and EG, that is, they corresponded to the level of 13.33%; while the indicators of athletes with the type of posture "scoliotic posture" in EG decreased to the level of 33.33% compared to CG, where the latter were 46.67%. The scientific novelty of the study is that for the first time: – the technology for correcting posture violations in boxers at the stage of initial training is scientifically substantiated, which involves the functional interaction of such structural elements as the goal, tasks, principles (design and integration of pedagogical technologies into the training process, didactic and special), technology management functions, a single-cycle structure that was planned as a purely preparatory period and included 9 mesocycles, stages (preparatory, basic, control and evaluation), modules (theory, corrective and preventive), blocks (corrective, dynamic posture, vertical stability, preventive, mobile games, stretching), methods and the means of its practical implementation (taking into account the organization of the educational and training process under restrictive anti-epidemic measures aimed at preventing the spread of the acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus on the territory of Ukraine, which provided for a remote format), control, efficiency criteria, the unity of which ensures the integrity and completeness of the technology; – the peculiarities of the spatial organization of the body of boxers at the stage of initial training are determined; – the level of the state of the biogeometric profile of the posture of young boxers was established and the "risk zones" of the occurrence of fixed disorders of the musculoskeletal system were identified, which include athletes with the types of posture "hunched back" and "scoliotic posture"; - approaches to the differentiation of physical exercises in the process of designing educational and training sessions, which are based on taking into account the level of the state of the biogeometric profile of the posture of young boxers, gained further development; - added scientific data on the study of physical fitness of young boxers. We see the practical significance of the work primarily in the acquisition of the ability to adequately influence the state of the spatial organization of the body of young boxers.

Research papers

Ярош Г., Хабінець Т. Характеристика соматоскопічних та соматометрічних показників юних боксерів. Молодіжний наук. вісник Східноєвроп. нац. ун-ту ім. Лесі Українки. Серія: Фізичне виховання і спорт. 2020. № 37. С. 145–151.

Кашуба В., Ярош Г., Крикун Ю., Хабінець Т., Домашенко Н., Шанковський А. Стан просторової організації тіла юних спортсменів як передумова розроблення й упровадження корекційно-профілактичних заходів у тренувальний процес. Вісник Прикарпатського університету. Серія: Фізична культура. 2020. № 36. С. 16–25.

Ярош Г. Особливості фізичної підготовленості юних боксерів із різними типами постави. Фізична культура, спорт та здоров’я нації. 2021. Вип. 11 (30). С. 352–360.

Ярош Г. Морфофункціональні особливості юних боксерів з різними типами постави. Спортивний вісник Придніпров’я. 2021. № 3. С. 154–161.

Ярош Г. В. Структура та зміст технології корекції порушень просторової організації тіла у боксерів на етапі початкової підготовки. Реабілітаційні та фізкультурно-рекреаційні аспекти розвитку людини (Rehabilitation & Recreation). 2021. №. 9. С. 126–134.

Ярош Г. Оцінка ефективності технології корекції порушень просторової організації тіла у боксерів на етапі початкової підготовки. Фізична культура, спорт та здоров’я нації. 2022. Вип. 13 (32). С. 354–365.

Ярош Г. Мультимедіа технології та онлайн тренування – структурні елементи технології корекції порушень постави у юних боксерів. Фізична культура, спорт та здоров’я нації. 2023. Вип. 15 (34). С. 504–510.


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