Harmash I. Integral influence on the physical and cognitive training of future teachers of primary and preschool education based on their psychophysiological characteristics on the physical education classes

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


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  • 017 - Фізична культура і спорт


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 017.56.23

Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after H.S. Skovorody


In recent decades, the level of morbidity among students has been increasing year by year. This problem concerns pedagogical universities. Future teachers need not only to be healthy while studying at the university, but also to maintain health throughout their lives, and especially during their professional activities. The professional activity of a teacher requires a very good state of health due to the high level of self-sacrifice in work, the presence of great emotional stress. In addition, the teacher works to create the future, and he must pass on the knowledge of strengthening and preserving health to students. Among future teachers, teachers of primary classes and preschool education occupy a special place. Their profession is distinguished by the need to possess a wide arsenal of knowledge from various fields. Primary school teachers, as well as teachers of preschool education, are a special category of teachers. Their profession is distinguished by the need to possess a wide arsenal of knowledge from various fields. These specialists must have extensive knowledge in the psychology of children of preschool and primary school age, skills in communicating with children of this age group. This category of children is characterized by a predominance of figurative thinking over logical thinking, a reduced level of inhibition, and a lower level of self-control. Specialists in this field perform the role of psychologists, educators and teachers at the same time. It is also necessary to know well and be able to present children with knowledge from various basic disciplines: mathematics, literature, natural sciences, and often - drawing, music and physical culture. This activity requires full dedication, the ability to work with children, the ability to manage a group of children and be friendly. In the younger classes, the teacher is engaged in the formation of inclinations and learning skills in schoolchildren. The task of the teacher is not only to teach children basic skills, to motivate the acquisition of knowledge, to explain how to count, read, to give a minimum of knowledge in basic subjects. The task of a teacher of elementary and preschool children also includes interaction with parents, preparation for classes, and interaction with school management. All this requires a high return. This requires an appropriate level of health. In addition, early childhood and early childhood education teachers should also develop healthy lifestyle skills in students, because skills learned in childhood are more sustainable than knowledge acquired at an older age. For effective work, a teacher of children of younger grades and preschool education must have not only character traits that are formed during life, but also certain genetic predispositions. Among the genetically determined qualities, first of all, the properties of the nervous system should be noted. Among the properties of the nervous system, mobility and strength or endurance are the main ones. Mobility of the nervous system is the ability to switch from one object or activity to another. The strength of the nervous system is often equated with its endurance. Meanwhile, the strength of the nervous system is the ability to withstand very strong stimuli. Endurance is the ability to resist fatigue, that is, the ability to work for a long time without reducing efficiency. If we turn to physical qualities, speed and strength, speed and endurance are antagonists. It is natural that the fastest action cannot last longer than 10 seconds. The same applies to actions with the maximum manifestation of force. If we draw an analogy between physical qualities and properties of the nervous system, it can be noted that both physical qualities and properties of the nervous system are caused by the same mechanisms. This means that for people with high mobility of nervous processes, physical exercises that require switching attention and a high level of reaction speed are most suitable. For people with high endurance of the nervous system, physical endurance exercises are most suitable. Accordingly, people with a high level of strength of the nervous system will be most suitable for strength training. In this regard, it can be concluded that in order to select recommendations for the use of physical education tools for teachers of primary and preschool education, it is necessary to identify their functional features and genetically determined properties of the nervous system. Since the properties of the nervous system determine a certain style of activity, it is logical to assume that the work of a teacher of children of younger grades and preschoolers requires a sufficient level of functional capabilities of the cardiovascular system and certain genetic predispositions associated with the properties of the nervous system.

Research papers

Cieślicka, M., Kozina, Zh., Garmash, I., Tamozhanska, G., Kozin, O.. (2022). Functional state pedagogical universities student’s peculiarities of various faculties according to orthostatic reactions and psychophysiological capabilities indicators. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 22 (8), 1170 - 1178.

Bejtka, M., Kozina, Z., Boychuk, Y., Garmash, I., Tamozhanska, G., Kovieria, V., & Lysenko, V. (2022). Sports activities and professional specialty influence on psychophysiological functions and orthostatic reactions indicators of pedagogical universities students. Health, Sport, Rehabilitation, 8(3), 8-26.

Kozin, O., Kozina, Z., Cretu, M., Boychuk, Y., Pavlović, R., Garmash, I., & Berezhna, Y. (2023). Vegetative regulation of vascular tone and features of the nervous system of pedagogical universities students. Is there a relationship with professional specialization? Health, Sport, Rehabilitation, 9(1), 29-44.


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