The dissertation is devoted to theoretical generalisation and determination of organisational and methodological conditions of forming motivation for physical activity of adolescents living in urban and rural areas in the system of lesson and extracurricular activities.
The purpose of the study is to substantiate and develop organisational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of motivation of secondary school children to various types of physical activity in the system of physical education.
1. To analyse the state of the problem under study, to generalise domestic and world experience of personality-oriented approach in physical education of pupils' youth according to the literature.
2. To define needs, motives, interests to different types of physical activity, level of physical activity, prognostic indicators of health risk for secondary school age pupils living in urban and rural areas.
3. To investigate the relationship between self-assessment of physical development, motivation to exercise, level of physical fitness and prognostic determinants of health of pupils of grades 5-9 living in urban and rural areas.
4. To develop practical recommendations on organisational and pedagogical conditions of motivation formation for different types of physical activity taking into account limiting and stimulating factors for different age groups of pupils of grades 5-9 living in urban and rural areas.
Scientific novelty:
- For the first time, on the basis of factor analysis of structural components that determine the physical condition and motor activity of secondary school students of different territorial locations, accessible, informative indicators were identified that provide not only objective information about physical conditions, self-assessment of physical development, but also increase motivation to use various types of motor activity in classroom and extracurricular activities;
- For the first time, a prognostic model of health and individual health risk factors in girls and boys of secondary school age, taking into account physical activity and other related factors, have been determined;
- for the first time, a model for the formation of a safe and healthy educational environment for the provision of quality educational services, promotion of physical activity, preservation of students' health and formation of healthy lifestyle skills; the state of the educational environment for the implementation of a modular approach in physical education lessons in general secondary education institutions of different territorial locations;
- for the first time determined: the dynamics of motivational priorities for different types of motor activity of schoolchildren from the 5th to the 9th grade, which varies depending on the organisational and methodological principles of physical education in general secondary education institutions; limiting and stimulating factors for engaging in different types of motor activity in the system of lesson and extracurricular activities for different age groups of schoolchildren in grades 5-9 living in urban and rural areas; the structure of motives and interests of schoolchildren aged 11-15 years to engage in physical activity in classroom and extracurricular activities, which changes in the process of age development, gender and territorial location; the degree of influence of communicative components, configuration of family educational factors on the formation of interest of secondary school children in physical activity;
- the data obtained expanded the understanding of the motor activity of secondary school students in the educational environment by a set of indicators, including: morning exercises; walking to school or transport; activity in class; answers at the blackboard and standing; physical education minutes; activity during breaks; involvement and activity in physical education lessons; participation in school or extracurricular sports sections; walks in the fresh air;
- data were further developed: on significant factors influencing the choice of types of physical activity in out-of-school institutions of physical culture and sports direction; on social and pedagogical factors (spending free time in the context of active and passive recreation, attitude to physical education, sports competence) for the implementation of organized activities aimed at involving children in physical activity; on the level of self-assessment of physical development of secondary school students (by components: health, physical education, and sports competence).