Stasyshena O. Atrial fibrillation in patients after suffering from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19): features of the course and prognosis

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 222 - Медицина

Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 26.613.178

Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine


To implement the set goals and objectives, an open prospective comparative single-center study was conducted, in which the data obtained during the clinical, instrumental and laboratory examination of 248 people were analyzed: 165 patients with AF (116 of the main group and 49 of the 1st control group), 22 patients with ventricular extrasystole (VE) and atrial extrasystole (2nd control group), 41 patients with other heart rhythm and conduction disorders that were detected during the screening study, and 20 practically healthy people (3rd control group) were not included in the main part of the work . At the first stage of the research, a screening analysis of the types of heart rhythm and conduction disorders with which patients with COVID-19 infection were hospitalized in the Department of Clinical Arrhythmology and Electrophysiology of the State Institution "National Research Center "Institute of Cardiology named after Academician M.D. Strazhesk" was carried out of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine" for 15 months: from September 20, 2020 to December 21, 2021. At the same time, the following percentage of occurrence of these arrhythmias was established in 179 hospitalized patients (in decreasing order): atrial fibrillation - 9 116 patients (64.8 %), paroxysmal form - in 49 patients (27.4 %), persistent form - in 45 patients (25.1%), permanent form – in 22 patients (12.3%). Other heart rhythm and conduction disorders were the cause of hospitalization for 63 patients (35.2%), which was probably less (p<0.001) than AF. The results of a screening study of patients who suffered from a COVID-19 infection and were hospitalized in the clinic indicate that: Corona virus disease (CD) significantly worsens the course of AF. Thus, in the majority of patients - 65% (that is, almost 2/3 of the total number) after CD, the reason for hospitalization was atrial fibrillation (AF) (p<0.001). The course of post-CH AF was likely to worsen clinically in 60 of 80 patients (75.0%) (p<0.001) who had this arrhythmia prior to COVID-19 infection (CI). In 31% of patients AF was detected for the first time an average of 2 months after the CI and can be considered as "denovo". 207 people were included in the main part of the examination after screening. Among them, 116 patients with AF aged from 35 to 80 years, on average 63.8 ± 0.6 years: 56 men and 60 women, who from 1 to 12 months ago (on average 5.1 ± 0.2 months) were infected with COVID-19. They made up the main group of examined patients. As the first control (K1), 49 patients with AF without a history of CI were examined: 34 men and 15 women aged 35 to 80 years (mean age 59.0 ± years). According to the percentage of patients with paroxysmal, persistent and permanent forms of AF, the groups of examined patients were comparable. As the second control group (K2), a group of patients who underwent CI, but who did not develop AF, was formed. This group included 22 patients hospitalized in the clinic with a diagnosis of extrasystole: 8 with supraventricular and 14 with ventricular premature excitation. A control group of practically healthy people (K3) - 20 people, was created to obtain reference values during laboratory tests. It was established that patients with AF who underwent CD were on average 2.8 years older and had a large comorbidity. Thus, 92% of patients had HF of the I-IIA stage, and in more than half of the cases - in 51% it was HF of the IIA stage, 10 hypertension occurred in 83% of patients, higher SBP and DBP at the time of inclusion in the study, had coronary heart disease 60% of patients; overweight or obesity occurred in 60% of cases, 28% of patients had a history of ICD, 12% of patients had diabetes, and 5% of patients were diagnosed with ICD. Among the patients who underwent CI and had AF before this infection, there were significantly more women than men, both in the comparison between them, where the ratio was 1.16:1.0, and in compared with the control group, where the ratio was 0.44:1.0 (p<0.001). As a result, among AF patients who underwent CI compared with patients in the control group, which included patients with AF but no history of COVID-19 infection, there were 1.6 times more likely to have CHADS2- VASc2 3 points and above, i.e. high risk of thrombosis, and 2.1 times more those who had HASBLED 2 points and above, i.e. medium and high risk of bleeding.

Research papers

Talaieva T., Sychov O., Marchenko O., Tretyak I., Vasilinchuk N., Getman T., Romanova O., Stasyshena O., Vavilova L. Subpopulations of lymphocytes and monocytes in blood of patients with atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter associated with hypertension // Cell and Organ Transplantology. 2022; 10(2): 74-79. DOI:

Sychov O.S., Talaieva T.V., Nesukay E.G., Romanova O.M., Getman T.V., Ilchyshyna O.Ya., Stasyshena O.V., Vavilova L.L. Arrhythmias including atrial fibrillation clinical course after coronavirus infection. Світ медицини та біології. 2022. № 1 (79): 135 – 139. DOI 10.26724/2079-8334-2022-1-79-135-139.

Стасишена О.В., Сичов О. С. Порушення ритму та провідності серця у хворих після перенесеної інфекції COVID-19: фокус на фібриляцію передсердь і відновлення синусового ритму. // Ukrainian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery. 2023; 31(3): 87-92.

Sychov O.S., Stasyshena O.V., Mikhalieva T.V., Torbas O.O., Husarchuk A.G. The influence of the transmitted іnfection of COVID-19 on the prevalence and course of atrial fibrillation in hospitalized patients. Світ Медицини та Біології. 2023; 3(85): 171-174, DOI:

Сичов О. С., Стасишена О. В. Вплив перенесеної інфекції COVID-19 на розвиток фібриляції передсердь та зміни її перебігу залежно від клінікоанамнестичних даних // Український кардіологічний журнал, 2023 (30): 31- 39.

Сичов О. С., Стасишена О. В., Талаєва Т. В., Гавриленко Т. І., Гетьман Т. В., Срібна О. В., Марченко О. Я. Стан системного запалення, імунної системи, ліпідного профілю та електролітів у пацієнтів із фібриляцією передсердь після COVID-19. Світ Медицини та Біології. 2024;1(87):166-171 DOI 10.26724/2079-8334-2024-1-87-166-171.

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