Zakopets M. Formation of professional competence of future brass performers in the process of modernization of national music education

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 011 - Освітні, педагогічні науки


Specialized Academic Board


Rivne State University of Humanities


On the basis of the analysis of pedagogical, psychological, philosophical, art and cultural literature, the specifics of the competence approach in the music-pedagogical activity of higher education institutions were clarified, the key characteristics of the professional competence of future brass performers were determined, which is an integrative phenomenon, the basis of which is acquired in the process learning knowledge, skills and personal qualities of the performer. The professional competence of future brass performers is based on the presence of interconnected key musical competencies, which, in turn, are a systematic education, the accumulation of musical and pedagogical knowledge, formed musical and performing skills, and personal musical and creative experience. Mastering the necessary musical competencies will become the core for the improvement and further self-realization of brass performers, the development of other subject competencies important for musical and performing activities in general. In the dissertation study, the component structure of the professional competence of future brass performers is determined and substantiated, which consists of motivational-value, cognitive, performance-technical components. A description of the methodology for the formation of the professional competence of future brass performers, which includes the following blocks: target, conceptual, content-procedural, criterion-evaluation and result-oriented. The purpose of the author's methodology is the formation of professional competence of future brass performers in the conditions of modernization of domestic music education. General pedagogical and music-pedagogical principles: systematicity, accessibility and gradualness; orientation to real professional practice, taking into account the main trends in the development of professional music education in the world; internalization of music; pedagogical reinterpretation of music; conscious and active learning-instrumentation; educational-informational-technological; functional and dynamic. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional competence of future brass performers: 1) formation of future brass performers cognitive interest and motivation to acquire professional competence in the process of modernization of domestic music education; 2) updating the content of the professional training of brass performers by integrating into the educational process of experimental educational institutions elements of the experience of training specialists in artistic specialties in the Republic of Poland; 3) actualization of concert performance activities of future brass performers in the context of the formation of their professional competence. Forms and methods of formation of professional competence: individual and group: lectures, including monographic, practical classes, concert and performance activities, familiarization with the best examples of domestic and world musical art; master classes of professional brass players, dissertation master classes, creative meetings with famous modern composers, brass band musicians, practical classes, participation in city, all-Ukrainian and international music competitions, festivals, including in joint Polish-Ukrainian concerts, concert activities as part of professional philharmonic orchestras, drama theater, video meetings, video conferences with teachers of the Krakow Academy of Music (within the scope of the concluded cooperation agreement), communication in chat rooms using computer technologies, etc. The content of the educational disciplines "Instrumental science and the study of orchestral instruments" has been updated with the modules "Reed manufacturing technology (oboe musical instrument)", "Reed manufacturing technology (clarinet musical instrument)", "Saxophone construction and maintenance" (valve mechanism and mouthpiece care); content of the educational discipline "History of Music" - modules "Baroque Orchestra", "Renaissance Ensembles", "Peculiarities of Performance of Ancient Music"; the content of the educational discipline "Reading orchestral scores" - the topics "Listening and analysis using notation of instrumental and vocal-instrumental works for brass bands", "Analysis of recordings of various performing interpretations of the same instrumental and vocal-instrumental works and transcriptions for brass bands". The implementation of the methodology and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the professional competence of future brass performers was carried out in accordance with the program of research and experimental work and included the following stages: analytical-statistical, analytical-research, experimental-experimental and summative-generalizing.

Research papers

Закопець М. Л. Формування та розвиток фахової компетентності виконавця-духовика у контексті інтеграційних процесів у закладах вищої освіти України. International jornal of innovative technologies in social science. Warsaw, Polan. 2021. № 2(30). С. 51–56.

Закопець М. Л. Європейський досвід формування фахової компетентності виконавців-духовиків у закладах вищої освіти. Нова педагогічна думка. 2021. № 3 (107). С. 135–141.

Закопець М. Л. Структурні компоненти розвитку фахової компетентності майбутніх виконавців-духовиків на основі інтеграції європейського досвіду. Педагогічна освіта: теорія і практика. 2022. Вип. 32. С. 258–273.

Закопець М. Л. Принципи і підходи розвитку фахової компетентності майбутнього виконавця-духовика. Збірник наукових праць Уманського державного педагогічного університету імені Павла Тичини. 2022. Випуск 3. С. 6–14.


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