Bondarenko N. Educational environment: unity of form and content as an efficiency imperative

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


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  • 033 - Філософія


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 20.033

Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture


Systematic analysis of the educational environment through the prism of prospects for increasing its effectiveness gives grounds for asserting that the emphasis on the academic environment's formal, methodological, and quantitative aspects becomes an obstacle to understanding the content, methodological, and qualitative priorities. The prevalence of formal and quantitative resources and means in the educational process does not guarantee the achievement of a meaningful and qualitative goal. For this reason, the need to complete the formal functional and instrumental options of the educational environment of our time with the priorities of content and quality, coherent mission, vocation, and purpose of education is actualized. The conclusion is conceptualized, according to which the proper meaningful and high-quality provision of the educational environment should not replace itself and be achieved at the expense of the resource provision of education, the insufficient level of which makes the prospects for the implementation of the meaningful and high-quality potential of the educational environment in practice illusory. Thus, the imperative of the effectiveness of the academic environment is the unity of its form and content: the harmony of such symbiosis and the mutually potentiating effect of its instrumental and functional components determines both the current level of effectiveness of the educational environment and the prospects for its evolution. The provision has been further developed, according to which the effectiveness of the educational environment reflects the ratio of the educational process's result (effect) and the resources spent on its achievement. The effectiveness of the educational environment at the procedural, resulting, and resource levels is determined by the complex interaction of worldview, content, personal, organizational, and technological conditions (factors). The priority of the importance of the subjective status of the educational environment for the prospects of its effectiveness is substantiated: the academic environment is not expected to follow in the wake of the trends inherent in a particular era and a specific society but to understand the dangers and formulate well-reasoned proposals for overcoming crises and overcoming negative trends. The limited, partial subjectivity of education leads to reflexive demoralization and analytical defocusing of theoretical and conceptual support of qualitative and target aspects of the functioning of the educational environment. The meaningful differentiation of the missions and visions of higher education institutions has been clarified: if the missions reflect the vocation, purpose, vectors, and preferences for the development of higher education institutions, then the visions are related to positioning, which is specified in the target priorities and becomes applied in the format of educational programs. The conclusion is that the effectiveness of the educational environment is largely determined by the quality and effectiveness of thinking and worldview cultivated by the educational environment. Moreover, the quality and effectiveness of thinking significantly depend on the prospects for personal and social development in general. Based on comparative analysis, it was found that in the context of the needs of the knowledge society and the scientific function of the university, the factor of intelligence as a qualitative set of cognitive resources and the effectiveness of thinking in general and its scientific options, in particular, acquire priority. It is the generation and capitalization of intelligence that is the mission that, regardless of mission and visionary differences, acquires universal significance for universities as representatives of the top level of the educational environment. The conceptual approach is expressed, according to which the university's positioning as a professional, cultural, and research center determines the triune integrity of the university education system's tasks: the implementation of professional training, human education, and preparation for research activities. These tasks' interdependence and mutual potentiation determine the intellectual atmosphere and the spirit of university education. Two key components, as they embody the essential specifics of the university's mission as a social institution, are, firstly, the retransmission of knowledge as a prerequisite and a guarantee of the socio-cultural continuity of humanity, and secondly, scientific research as a reflection of the goal-setting specifics of civilization and the dynamics of its semantic and meaningful evolution.

Research papers

Бондаренко Н.П. Досвід організації дошкільного освітнього середовища Великої Британії. Просторовий розвиток, (6), 379–385. (2023). ISSN 2786-7269(Print), ISSN 2786-7277 (Online)

Бондаренко Н.П. Освітнє середовище: єдність форми та змісту. Вища освіта України. Київ, 2023. Вип.4. С. 40-49. ISSN 2078-1016

Бондаренко Н.П.Освітнє середовище сучасності як предмет світоглядної демаркації. Освітній дискурс: збірник наукових праць. Київ, 2023. Вип.47 (12). С. 87-101. ISSN print 2522-9699; ISSN online 2616-5007.

Бондаренко Н.П., Чорноморденко І.В. Організація сучасного освітнього середовища дошкільної освіти (ранній вік). Том 38 № 2 (2023): Вісник Національного авіаційного університету. Серія: Філософія. Культурологія. Збірник наукових праць. № 2 (38) 2023, с.115-119. ISSN 2411-5606

Таран, Г., Бондаренко, Н., Чорноморденко, Д., Богатирьов, Д., Спиридонов, М. і Матвіїв, В. 2023. Сучасні інноваційні технології в рамках підготовки майбутніх фінансистів. Financial and credit activity problems of theory and practice. 3, 50 (Чер 2023), 468–476. ISSN 2306-4994 (print), 2310-8770 (online).

Бондаренко Н. П. Концептуальні контроверзи освітнього середовища як світоглядний виклик. Культурологічний альманах, 2024, (1), с. 167–176. ISSN: 2786-7250 Online ISSN: 2786-7242 Print.

Taran, G., Chornomordenko, D., Bondarenko, N., Bohatyrov, D., & Spiridonov, M. (2022). The main aspects of teaching in the context of the development of the educational environment and culture at universities. Revista Tempos E Espaços Em Educação, 15(34), e17256. e-ISSN 2358-1425

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