Chernous T. Psychological Peculiarities of Emotional Intelligence Development in Prospective Primary School Teachers through Music

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 053 - Психологія


Specialized Academic Board

ID 6551

The National University of Ostroh Academy


The dissertation presents a theoretical and experimental study of the psychological features of forming emotional intelligence in prospective primary school teachers through music within the context of their professional orientation. This research proposed the definition of emotional intelligence for prospective primary school teachers as an integral hierarchical structure comprising cognitive, emotional, adaptive, motivational, and regulatory components. This structure ensures the development of intrapersonal and interpersonal abilities to identify, understand, and manage emotions, forming the basis for professional competencies and contributing to the successful fulfilment of individual, social, and professional needs. Following a theoretical examination, the research sets up a conceptual dynamic model of the development of emotional intelligence through music, comprising target, structural and functional, operational, and diagnostic blocks. This model underpins the experimental study design. Based on the conceptual dynamic model and the initial experimental stage data, the author proposed a specialised programme for developing emotional intelligence in prospective primary school teachers through music and validated it during the formative stage of the experiment. The research managed to holistically implement the programme and achieve its goals and objectives (developing structural and functional components of emotional intelligence, enhancing motivation to use music professionally and for self-development, as well as forming motivation to use music for optimising coping resources to manage stress) through psychological and pedagogical facilitation, body-oriented, emotionally focused, creative, and socially oriented approaches. The dissertation provides a qualitative and quantitative interpretation of the formative experiment results and proposes methodological recommendations for developing emotional intelligence through music. The analysis of experimental data demonstrates a significant improvement in all components of emotional intelligence in the experimental group according to the cognitive, emotional, adaptive, regulatory, and motivational criteria of the programme performance. Moreover, the research empirically substantiated and confirmed the effectiveness of music for the structural and functional components of the emotional intelligence model elaborated for a prospective primary school teacher. The study developed methodological guidelines for lecturers / academic staff, and students on the effective use of music for developing emotional intelligence, encompassing theoretical and methodological foundations, main goals and conditions, and criteria for evaluating effectiveness (reflective, psycho-emotional, somatic, creative, and social). The guidelines also provide an indicative list and description of recommended techniques for musical interventions. The contribution of this dissertation towards theory is significant, as it constructs for the first time a conceptual dynamic model for developing emotional intelligence in prospective primary school teachers through music. The research proposes and validates an appropriate comprehensive programme, substantiates and experimentally verifies the psychological and pedagogical conditions necessary for the effective influence of music, and provides empirical data on students’ readiness to utilise musical means for professional and self-development, as well as for improving coping resources to manage stress. A further theoretical addition is the clarification of the content of the emotional intelligence concept in the context of the educational and professional training of future primary school teachers. The research further advanced theoretical and methodological approaches to the role of musical means in developing the emotional intelligence of prospective primary school teachers and the psychological and pedagogical conditions for their effective application in the dimension of students’ professional formation. The practical significance of the study is evidenced by the incorporation of theoretical and empirical findings into the educational curricula of such disciplines as "Orff-Pedagogy in Primary School,". An added contribution to practice is that the proposed scientific provisions can be employed by university lecturers in both lectures and practical classes for courses such as "General Psychology". The developed programme for fostering emotional intelligence through music can assist university lecturers in facilitating students’ project-based learning activities and managing other psychological and pedagogical issues. Keywords: emotional intelligence, emotional competence, empathy, coping strategies, music activities, students, self-reflection, self-regulation, stress resistance, creativity, teaching effectiveness.

Research papers

Черноус Т. Ю., Каламаж В. О. Музично-рухові засоби розвитку самоусвідомлення психоемоційних станів майбутніх учителів початкових класів. Наукові записки Національного університету «Острозька академія». Серія «Психологія»: науковий журнал. Острог: Вид-во НаУОА, січень 2022. № 14. С. 57–64.

Черноус Т. Ю., Каламаж В. О. Активація стрес-переборюваних стратегій майбутніх учителів початкових класів засобами музики. Наукові записки Національного університету «Острозька академія». Серія «Психологія»: науковий журнал. Острог : Вид-во НаУОА, червень 2022. № 15. С. 62–71

Черноус Т. Ю., Каламаж В. О. Тілесно-руховий чинник музичного впливу на рефлексивний компонент емоційного інтелекту (на прикладі майбутніх учителів початкових класів). Вісник Львівського університету. Серія “Психологічні науки”. 2022. Випуск 12. С. 130-138

Chernous, T., Kalamazh, R. & Romaniuk, V. Development of Emotional Intelligence in Future Elementary School Teachers. Youth Voice Journal, 2024. 14(3), 33-44, ISBN (ONLINE): 978-1-911634-82-9

Черноус Т. Використання Орф-музикотерапії у процесі професійної підготовки майбутніх вчителів. Тенденції та перспективи розвитку психології та соціальної роботи в сучасному суспільстві: Збірник матеріалів міжнародної наук.-практ. інтернет-конф., м. Одеса, ОНУ імені І. І. Мечникова, 5 листопада 2020 р. / Редкол.: Л. М. Дунаєва, О. І. Кононенко, Л. С. Смокова. Одеса: ОНУ, 2020. С. 291-294.

Черноус Т. Нейробіологічні чинники впливу музики на когнітивні та емоційні процеси. Сучасні дослідження когнітивної психології: збірник тез Міжнародної інтернет-конференції (м. Острог, 31 травня 2021 р.). Острог: Видавництво Національного університету «Острозька академія», 2021. С. 60-61. DOI 10.25264/31.05.2021

Черноус Т. Вплив музики на адаптивні функції емоційного інтелекту майбутніх вчителів початкових класів в умовах війни. Філософсько-психологічні аспекти духовності сталого розвитку людства", міжнародна наук.-практ. конф. (2021; Львів). Збірник тез VII Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції "Філософсько-психологічні аспекти духовності сталого розвитку людства", 20 квітня 2022 р. / за ред. Л.В. Рижак ; відповід. за вип. Н. І. Жигайло, Ю. В. Максимець. Львів: ЛНУ ім. Івана Франка, 2022. С. 211-213.

Handzilevska, H., Shershnova, O., & Chernous, T. Psycholinguistic Analysis of the Poetic Collection «Mandala» by Wira Wovk in Dimension of Resilience Resources. Psycholinguistics in a Modern World, Pereiaslav, 16-17 Deс. Pereiaslav, 2021. 49-53p. URL:

Chernous T. Еnhancing resilience in prospective primary school teachers through music and movement interventions. Training of specialists in the field of psychological and pedagogical education of children through the prism of adaptation to emergencies: resilience approach. The materials of the international round table February 15-17, 2024. Ostroh, Publishing House of the National University of Ostroh Academy, Р. 17-26. DOI 10.25264/978-617-8041-24-3

Halyna Handzilevska, Eduard Balashov, Olena Shershnova, Tetiana Chernous, Eva Levakova. Psychological analysis of Wera Wowk`s poetic collection “Mandala” in the resilience resources` context: Orff approach. Rivista di psicolinguistica applicata. Journal of applied psycholinguistics. ed. Fabrizio Serra Pisa, Roma. 2024. 79–88p. DOI: 10.19272/202407701005

Барановська І., Бровчак Л., Вацьо М., Дабіжа Л., Добровольська Р., Коваль Т., Колодяжна В., Ліхіцька Л., Маринчук Т., Старовойт Л., Тодосієнко Н., Черноус Т., Шикирінська О., Якименко Ю. Підготовка майбутнього учителя початкової школи до інтегрованого викладання мистецьких дисциплін: Колективна монографія. Вінниця, 2021. 246 с.

Орф-підхід та інклюзія: метод. посіб. / Уклад : В. В. Колодяжна, Т. Черноус. Луцьк: Вежа-Друк, 2022. 100 с.

Chernous T., Fir S. Orff Schulwerk in Ukraine: Traditions and Innovations. Orff Schulwerk in diverse cultures – an idea that went round the world. Texts on Theory and Practice of Orff-Schulwerk. Volume II. (ed. Barbara Haselbach and Carolee Stewart). Published by Pentatonic Press, San Francisco, California, 2021, Р. 201-205.

Halyna Handzilevska, Tetiana Chernous Sanogenic approach in the organization of resilient morning primary school meetings: psychodramatic, musical and movement practice. Resilience in education: Ukrainian – V4 experience. TUTORIAL edited by Denys Havryliuk, Eduard Balashov. Ostroh, Publishing House of the National University of Ostroh Academy, 2024. Р. 23-61. DOI 10.25264/978-617-8041-25-0


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