Mengkewuliji .. CPR’s Policy in Central Asia (1992-2017)

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 032 - Історія та археологія


Specialized Academic Board


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


The relevance of the research is due to the rapid growth of China's international influence, including in Central Asia – a region that has traditionally been a sphere of influence for Russia. The aim of the dissertation research is to provide a critical analysis of a complex of historical sources and to summarize the scientific achievements of Ukrainian, Chinese, and foreign scholars in order to highlight the PRC's policy in Central Asia at the bilateral and multilateral levels during the period from 1992 to 2017, under the leadership of three generations of Chinese leaders: Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao, and Xi Jinping, during the first 25 years after the establishment of diplomatic relations with Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan, as well as to evaluate the results and consequences of this policy. The main objectives of the study are as follows: 1) to determine the state of scientific development of the problem; 2) to systematize and characterize the source base of the research; 3) to explain its methodology; 4) to highlight the priority tasks of China's policy in Central Asia and their implementation at the bilateral level with Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan during the first decade after the establishment of diplomatic relations; 5) to trace the formation of multilateral regional dialogue and cooperation in Central Asia in 1992-2002; 6) to characterize the changes that occurred in China's relations with regional states in 2003-2012 under the leadership of Hu Jintao; 7) to highlight the role of China in the development of multilateral cooperation within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in 2002-2012; 8) to identify the directions and dynamics of the development of bilateral cooperation between China and the Central Asian states in 2013-2017; 9) to characterize the multilateral cooperation of China in the region in 2013-2017.

Research papers

Менкеуліцзі. Політика Китаю в Центральній Азії (1992 – 1997 рр.) / Гілея. Науковий вісник. 2020. Випуск 153 (№ 2). С. 117–123.

Менкеуліцзі. Поширення культурних впливів Китаю в Центральній Азіїв 1992–2017 рр. / Вчені записки. Таврійського національного університету імені В. І. Вернадського. Серія Історія. 2020. Т. 31 (70), № 4. С. 165–171.

Менкеуліцзі. Розвиток торговельно-економічних відносин КНР з Казахстаном і Узбекистаном 2013-2020 рр.: порівняльний аналіз // Вісник Київського університету імені Тараса Шевченка. Серія Історія. 2021. № 1 (148). С. 40–45.

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