Snizhko D. Mechanisms for ensuring the development of legal consciousness of public servants in the context of public administration reform

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 281 - Публічне управління та адміністрування


Specialized Academic Board


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


The dissertation is one of the first comprehensive scientific research in the field of knowledge 28 “Public management and administration” on theoretical and methodological principles of development of legal consciousness of public servants in the conditions of reforming public administration and the development of scientific and practical recommendations to the authorities for improving the mechanisms of their provision based on acmeology, leadership, modern innovative HR technologies, the best international practices. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is explained by the fact that the study has given the following results of a scientific nature and are presented in defence: for the first time: - conceptual substantiation of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the development of legal consciousness of public servants based on an evolutionary approach is carried out, the mechanisms of their provision are detailed, in particular: institutional; regulatory (or judicial), value-legal, motivational-psychological, gender, which contribute to the definition of structural and functional features of reforms in the sphere of public administration with the indication of modern trends and contradictions that require priority normalization of public administration decision-making in Ukraine in the context of moral and valued European standards. It has been established that Ukrainian public servants, working in parallel in two states of “transitional society”: 1) from totalitarian to democratic and liberal; 2) from military to post-war, in the context of military aggression of the Russian Federation, demonstrate a tendency to reduce the deformation rate at the national, regional and local levels, which is the result of increasing their professionalization based on acmeology, leadership, modern innovative HR technologies, and best international practices.

Research papers

Сніжко Д.В. Вплив інституціонального механізму на забезпечення розвитку правосвідомості публічних службовців. Аспекти публічного управління. 2023. Том 11, №2. С. 103-111. DOI: URL :

Сніжко Д.В. Концепти ціннісно-правового механізму забезпечення розвитку правосвідомості у публічних службовців. Державне управління та регіональний розвиток. 2022, №13. С. 540-546; DOI: 10.34132/pard2022.15.10. URL :

Сніжко Д.В., Ларіна Н.Б. Понятійно-категорійний апарат дослідження розвитку правосвідомості у публічних службовців. Аспекти публічного управління. 20121. Том 9, №4. 13-20 С. DOI: URL :

Сніжко Д.В. Структурно-функціональний підхід до формування правосвідомості публічних службовців. Держане будівництво. 2021, №1. URL :

Viktor Tsekhanovych; Dmytro Bizonych; Nataliia Larina; Svitlana Moskalenko; Dmytro Snizhko. Descentralization and euroregional development in Ukraine: problems and prospects for development. Relações Internacionais no Mundo Atual. Curitiba/PR (Brasil), 2022, v. 3, n. 36 pp. 2316-2880) (


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