Okhonko S. Organizational and legal principles of preventing corruption during the election process

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 281 - Публічне управління та адміністрування


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 6827

V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University


The dissertation examines the meaning of the term "corruption", focuses on the historical perspective of corruption, including its influence on various spheres of state administration and law enforcement agencies, starting from antiquity to modern times. Various approaches to corruption are described, including legal, sociological and economic, each of which contributes to the understanding of the nature and mechanisms of corruption. The methods of combating corruption are disclosed, including the development of anti-corruption strategies and policies. A theoretical review of corruption as a social, economic and legal phenomenon was carried out, revealing its multidimensional nature and pointing out the difficulties that arise in its investigation and solution. Corruption manifestations in Ukraine are described, including the study of their socio-economic, organizational-legal, psychological and other aspects. Organizational and legal factors that contribute to the spread of corruption have been identified: lack of clarity in defining the procedures and powers of civil servants, a wide range of executive and permissive powers for officials, systematic violation of procedures for the appointment and rotation of civil servants, as well as insufficient control over the activities of civil servants. The categorical and conceptual apparatus of corruption in the context of its manifestations during the election process has been specified. The concept of corruption in the election process is proposed to be understood as a system of connections and relations in society, which is determined by social factors, manifested in an anti-social focus on the illegal use of one's own powers through the illegal use of public resources to obtain material and non-material benefits and satisfy private interests. The theoretical approaches to the understanding of corruption are summarized by highlighting features that complement the theoretical understanding of corruption and the formulation of anti-corruption policy: legal, sociological, sociopolitical, economic, functional, institutional. The peculiarities of the state anti-corruption policy in the legal systems of the world are determined. Common approaches and methods used to prevent corruption are highlighted: creation and strengthening of legislation, creation of independent bodies responsible for detection, investigation and prosecution of acts of corruption, such as anti-corruption bureaus or commissions, activation of the role of civil society and mass media in detection and disclosure of cases of corruption, international cooperation, education and education. The system of assessing corruption risks during the election process is considered. Evaluation indicators and measures of influence on corruption risk are highlighted. The legislative mechanisms of the formation of state anti-corruption policy in the context of their influence on the corruption component during election processes are highlighted, which can serve as a basis for further reforms, in particular, restrictions on financial contributions from private individuals and companies to political parties and their election campaigns, transparent rules for financing political parties , concluding state contracts, which aims to increase transparency and control over the activities of local authorities. Modern technologies for the implementation of the state anti-corruption policy in Ukraine are analyzed based on the results of the analysis of foreign experience, among which the key ones are highlighted: international observation missions, international legislation and standards, technical and financial support, international declarations and commitments, exchange of information and best practices, multilateral cooperation platforms. Key words: corruption, election process, public administration, transparency, anti-corruption policy, international standards, legislative framework, political system, normative and legal framework, public involvement.

Research papers

1. Охонько С. М. Визначення оптимального типу виборчої системи для запобігання корупції. Публічне управління і адміністрування в Україні. Одеса, 2023. Вип. 35. С. 142–147.

2. Охонько С. М. Інституційний механізм запобігання корупції під час виборчого процесу. Вчені записки Таврійського національного університету імені В. І. Вернадського. Публічне управління та адміністрування. Київ, 2023. Т. 34 (73). № 6 . С. 153–158.

3. Охонько С. М. Вплив громадських організацій та активістів на запобігання корупції під час виборчого процесу. Публічне управління і адміністрування в Україні. Одеса, 2023. Вип. 38. С. 212–216

4. Охонько С. М. Державне фінансування політичних партій як передумова запобігання політичній корупції. Держава та регіони. Публічне управління і адміністрування. Запоріжжя, 2024. № 1. С. 127–132.

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